Tanks & Mechanized Infantry Lyrics

I've choked on the guilt
But you'll choke on me
My taste, & all whom I've tasted

Words, deepest of deep
From neck to my toes in this current that flows from a lie
These are the reasons of how and why that I found order

I'm tuning into the transmission radiating from you

It comes clear thru static
What once was emphatic,
Is a negative twelfth step recovering addict
I'll twist your knife inside this open wound

Heart, weighed best like lead
A dove that grew wings just to be pronounced dead by a boy
Not a man but a boy
A no merit critic that yearns to decree & dictate her order

Wrong enough on record, right enough in the heart
I never thought an infantry could tear us apart
If I'm dead to you now, wait till I fuck her

And I will talk a witness at hand
Without defense
A witness without a witnessing stand

I've choked on the guilt but you'll choke on me in her
You’ll choke on me in her
1 Meaning
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the intro to this song is so badass. long live sgoat.

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