Return to Oz Lyrics
this song is about the true horror of meth use. at first you think it's all fun and games but eventually it becomes sick and seedy.
I heard it's about drug use in the gay community.
''We've fled the world With smiles and clenching jaws''
Some drugs give you clenching jaws, e.g. XTC.
Number one- while noone is claiming that all gay people are addicted to, use, or even have tried meth, people need to open up their eyes. I am a young gay woman who used to frequent the "club scene" and while I am fairly straight edged, many of my close friends used. It is very easy to say that since you and your friends dont use any drugs that there isn't a problem, but people need to open their eyes it. It is a massive problem, especially in the gay male community. It is unfortunate, and disturbing, but very very true. Anyhow, I'm positive this song is about meth use as well, if only for the physical discription of a user: "three o'clock in the morning You get a phonecall"- meth users often spend up to a week tweeking with no sleep, which often leads to audiotory hallucinations "Their sunken faces"-lack of sleep and increased energy leads to very dramatic weight loss "clenching jaws"- this is the most annoying effect meth has on people. They get lock jaw as well as griding teeth
By the way, feel free to leave me a message if you have any questions about meth "That they can no longer feel Love or Sex appeal"- increased libido and increased, often frightening, agression
It can be about a man who is already sick, probably aids... Once life was fun, he was young, hot, sexy... now everything has change and he is not into anybody, and nobody is into him.
When you are suffering from something that might kill you soon, you can't stop thinking how you were once healthy and nothing mattered. The only thing you can wish for is health to something like god or a clover.
Suddenly everything is dark, no longer beautiful. All that fun (Emerald city, clubs) is now weary and awful (a crystal town).
People who were once your friends, now have only callous words and they don't find you sexy or loveable.
You've lived a fun life but you now feel you are "going down" and can do nothing but try to look for a friend to spend your last days.
I really think this song could be about aids... and how we, gay people, tend to enjoy being young, hot, beautiful... and then all goes to hell and there's nobody for you. All those one night stands, all that fun, all that people is gone and the world looks awful.
this song freaked me out when i heard it. it reminded me of the first time i saw the return to oz when i was little and those bloody wheelies gave me nightmares and the queen with her heads, i like the song its freaky but that bloody movie disturbed so many children of the 80's
Yeah, messed up film. But I think the song is really about drugs, having a bad experience or a bad batch. "The Skeksis at the rave meant to hide deep inside their sunken faces and their wild rolling eyes" seems to refer to Ecstacy as does "We've fled the world with smiles and clenching jaws". And then there's "Please help me friend I'm coming down". Also, the "gold is brown" might refer to heroin and the "crystal town" might mean crystal meth. It's very cleverly done, though, quite subtle.
I think this song is about meth, and the devestating effect it has had on, amongst others, the gay community. Take a look at a long term meth user and then look up skeksis on google image finder.
Ah right, that sounds more like it.
this song is great, well thats what i thought when i downloaded it about 5 months ago but the other day i found out the version i had was just the chorus on repeat!!!! oops, well i heard the FULL version and Its even Better!!!!!!!!!
"I met him in a bar...Oh my Lola!"