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After the Snow Lyrics

The rhythm of the rain gives an off beat on the window pane
Like an angel crying from the sky
I can see its beauty after the snow
I can see its beauty after the snow

The temperature's dropping rapidly
Normal service will shortly be resumed
I can see its beauty after the snow
I can see its beauty after the snow
after the snow

I stood and watched the dark sky rise
with glaring sunlight in my eyes
I thought of all the times gone by
and laughed aloud at the crimson sky
after the snow
after the snow
after the snow
after the snow

after the snow there's something born
after the snow there's something born
after the snow there's something born
after the snow there's something born
after the snow
after the snow

The rhythm of the rain gives an offbeat on the window pane
Like an angel crying from the sky
I can see its beauty after the snow
I can see its beauty
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Submitted by
alda On Jun 20, 2004
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Cover art for After the Snow lyrics by Modern English

Man, I love this song. I love this band. C'mon, people. Be cool. Youve heard "I Melt With You". Listen to the rest.