Souvenirs, Novelties, and Party Tricks Lyrics

Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks
Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks

Come and get your dog poo
Or your trick gum
Careful when you grab it
It might snap your thumb
Look at all the goodies I've got here today
Come and fool your friends with a can of bug spray

Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks
Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks

I will sell you vomit
Or X-ray specs
Look and see the girlies
Without having sex
Come and see the goodies that I have today
You might even run into the Mel Torme

Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks
7 Meanings
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Funny song. Its a song written from the point of view of a novelty store owner. Its pretty straightforward.

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haha. i love this song it's so awesome. the first time i heard it i was like, this is weezer!!?? haha.

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This song is awesome. Who sings it though? It doesn't sound like Rivers, and Matt usually sings up high. Is it Jason that sings it?

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ahh i listened to this today and i started laughing so hard... it made my day... I love it.

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wow. weird song. very weird. it got me laughing though it sounds like rivers to me, just with a funky accent.

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I actually think this song is a reference to the spoof movie Top Secret (1984).

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