Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) Lyrics

Tell me tell me is life just a playground
Think you're the real deal honey
And someone'll always look after you

But wake up baby
You're so totally deluded
You'll end up old and lonely
If you don't get a bullet in your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

You sold me sold me
You sold me down the river now
Hope you're feeling happy now
Now you'll always have a sneer in your smile

But wake up baby
You're so totally deluded
You'll end up old and lonely
If you don't get a bullet in your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

And I'm glad so glad that I'm done with you
No more crying crying leaving me so black and blue
You backed me up against the wall but I stand tall
Don't give a damn no more

Oh baby bye bye
No more lies
No more lies
No more lies
Without you

Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares when your resting your head
Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

Good luck good luck
Good luck in your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares honey
When you're resting your head

Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares when your resting your head
Good good luck
In your new bed
Enjoy your nightmares
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Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

this song makes me want to dance SO BAD.

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

can i jsut say im sick of you people giving your opinions on the songs, this site is poretty much called not so fuck off and if your you too dumb to be able to interpret songs then fuck off and join some kiddy teen music fan forum where you can all talk about dancing to songs and how 'kiss ass' they are...

this song is about a woman who gets constantly beaten up by her man "leaving me so black and blue" after constatnly telling the man that he would end up 'old and lonely' (if he doesnt get shot before then) the woman gets her revenge when her abusive ex goes to jail and she exclaims "good luck in your new bed, enjoy your nightmares!"


Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

this song is so kick ass i love it

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

the video is even more kick-@$$. ;-)

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

dont usually like the music in clubs, but this came on and i just had to get up and dance, its amazing

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

well sed "vivy is"..this song is quite self explantory..also in the vid..she is a cop so she gets 2 send him 2 prison!!

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

i agree with vivy is

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

i sing this to my ex and hope he enjoys the nightmares in his new bed with his new girlfriend maybe she will do 2 him what he did to me.

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

This is a modern masterpiece and my favourite song (hence the username). It is shockingly underrated and should have been HUGE! The song is an anthemic 21st century ‘I Will Survive’, which everyone who hears loves; just not enough people have heard it!

The song tells the story of a woman (Lisa Kekaula, of the BellRays, who also features on the Jaxx single ‘U Don’t Know Me’) whose boyfriend/husband has been cheating on her and lying to her ‘no more lies!’ He is ‘so totally deluded’ as he thinks he can get away with cheating. It would also appear he is perhaps a criminal of some sort, an idea suggested by the line, ‘you’ll end up old and lonely’, [a reference to his cheating ways], ‘if you don’t get a bullet in your head’. This idea is perhaps linked to the hint that he has been beating Kekaula ‘No more crying, crying leaving me so black and blue’.

This criminal theme is expanded on in the excellent video which casts Kekaula as a prison officer who, whilst driving to work sees her other half (photos seen in the video suggest they are married) everywhere. Once she gets to work, he is among a group of new prisoners who gets of a bus. At the climax of the song, she completely ignores him as she guides him through the prison to his cell, once there he sits with his head in his hands.

It is such a shame so few other people have commented on it, as it is Basement Jaxx’s best song by a long way. In addition, just to point out, it has not been confirmed that story is either true, or about Kekaula herself.

Cover art for Good Luck (feat. Lisa Kekaula) lyrics by Basement Jaxx

Really good song, Basement Jaxx are the only ones of the Daft Punk level