Letters From Home Lyrics

My Dear Son, it's almost June
I hope this letter catches up with you, and finds you well
It's been dry, but they’re calling for rain
And everything's the same ol' same in Johnsonville
Your stubborn ol' Daddy ain't said too much
But I'm sure you know he sends his love
And she goes on
In a letter from home

I hold it up and show my buddies
Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy
And they all laugh like there's something funny
'Bout the way I talk
When I say "Mama sends her best, y’all"
I fold it up and put it in my shirt
Pick up my gun and get back to work
And it keeps me driving me on
Waiting on
Letters from home

My Dearest Love, it's almost dawn
I've been lying here all night long
Wondering where you might be
I saw your mama and I showed her the ring
Man, on the television said something
So I couldn’t sleep
But I'll be all right, I'm just missing you
And this is me kissing you
X's and O's
In a letter from home

I hold it up and show my buddies
Like we ain't scared
And our boots ain't muddy
And they all laugh cause she calls me Honey
But they take it hard
Cause I don't read the good parts
I fold it up and put it in my shirt
Pick up my gun and get back to work
And it keeps me driving me on
Waiting on
Letters from home

Dear Son, I know I ain't written
But sittin here tonight alone in the kitchen
It occurs to me
I might not have said it, so I'll say it now..
Son, you make me proud

I hold it up and show my buddies
Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy
But no one laughs
Cause there ain’t nothing funny
When a soldier cries
And I just whipe my eyes
I fold it up and put it in my shirt
Pick up my gun and get back to work
And it keeps me driving me on
Waiting on
Letters from home
Song Info
Submitted by
indefeat On Apr 26, 2004
4 Meanings
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This song really hits my heart. My grandfather was in the Gulf War. Every night I would write him a letter. He said that he showed all his friends all of my letters. When they pronounced him MIA, I was devistated, but I kept sending letters. Finally I heard from him about 6 months later. This is what It said:

Dear Grandson, Sorry to keep you waiting. I was riding in a convoy headed to somewhere outside of Baghdad, to fix a broken radio transister when we were captured. They held us for 5 months, until US troops stormed in the building. When I got back John and Sam showed me the pile of letters you sent. It took me two weeks to read them all. Then I started writing this letter. When I get home we will do everything that we used to do.


P.S. They are sending me home in 2 days.

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Okaye, I love this song a lot.
The first time I heard it, I just cried. I mean, it shows men being guys and then men being men.

The video was just so great.

I have uncles and cousins in the Armed Forces and two of them just came back from overseas. After a year of not seeing my uncle and YEARS of not seeing my cousin, it was so hard.
But they're back and safe and I love them for being the heroes that they are.

meaning: there is a soldier who is in the midst of a war. He gets letters from his mom and his wife and he shows them to his friends. And it's not those letters that make him fall to pieces. But it's the letter from his dad. Someone who he doesn't have a great verbal connection with that makes him breakdown. And his friends don't laugh @ him. B/c they understand that it's hard being away from him and even harder knowing that you have people at home who love you.

Michael. JACKSON Patrick. SWAYZE

well done

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As an army veteran who was lucky enough to serve when their wasn't any wars going on. I would like to thank those of you that have not been as lucky and have had to be involved in war.this song reminds me of when I was in Boot Camp at Fort Jackson S.C.. good job JMM

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This song holds so much meaning to me. My boyfriend is in the United States Marine Corps and when he was at bootcamp I sent him a letter everyday. I knew he waited and waited for these letters from home. He wil be sent out to Iraq early next year. I know that we have a long road ahead but we are not willing to give up without a fight. I can't wait for him to come home even if he hasn't left yet. I would like to ask you to pray for his safety. God Bless you all...and God Bless the men and women fighting for our freedom.

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