8 Meanings
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King Christian Lyrics

1577 there was born a king of architectual passion
Placed in dire peril he would stand tall and erect
In retrospect

All I do is run tonight
Even twice as sweet but half as bright
I did not intend to impersonate a friend

If I didn't know my luck
Listen to the clock's last ticking tock
I shall ascend at last
Like a question never asked

Think him not so good natured
Oh no, not the slightest bit, quite the opposite
Because even though he would build things
He onto his queen was mean, poor Anna Katherine
She's crying

All I do is run tonight
Even twice as sweet but half as bright
I did not intend to impersonate a friend

I could not remain your friend
Lest it would have made a difference then
Could it possibly?
Well no thanks to you and me

Hey, this is the king speaking to you
Bet you didn't think I'd make it this far
But I know you all remember old Christian
I was number 4, you see
And people will think of me and say:
A good king was he! And cry...

All I do is run tonight
Even twice as sweet but half as bright
If I didn't know my luck
Listen to the clock's last ticking tock

All I do is run tonight
Even twice as sweet but half as bright
I did not intend to impersonate a friend

If I didn't know my luck
Listen to the clock's last ticking tock
I shall ascend at last
Like a question never asked

All I do is run tonight
Even twice as sweet but half as bright
I did not intend to impersonate a friend

If I didn't know my luck
Listen to the clock's last ticking tock
I shall ascend at last
Like a question never asked

All I do is run tonight
Even twice as sweet but half as bright
I did not intend to impersonate a friend
8 Meanings
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i do agree its quite funny, but none the less a lovely song. and a very upbeat tone to it, which is a pleasant change, i cant help but feel happy when listening to this song. as light hearted-er song as it is, i think if nothing else it shows how talented mew are, and are by no means one trick ponies.

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LOL!! I nearly fell off moi seat laughing when i first heard this song!! It doesn't sound like Mew at all!! Meep. Lyrics are wrong though >.<

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Why do i keep losing me posts??


sorrie if moi isht doubel posting, but..

I nearly fell off me seat when i heard that song!! It doesn't sound like Mew at all!!

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This song makes me laugh too. XD

It does kind of sound like Mew, but it's a pretty weird song.

Anyone have any ideas of who King Christian is?

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OMG you guys are such noobs! :) King Christian was a Danish king, who was considered to be very good i Denmark, while in Sweden he was considered to be very cruel. I think he invaded Sweden to, and took alot of gold or something. Whatever. :)

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King Christian (IV) became King of Denmark when he was 11 years old. He had 23 children. He died in 1648.

There are some interesting facts for you about King Christian from the video on my Mew DVD. The video is to the new version though so it has different lyrics. I'll post them if I can get them right...they're harder to hear but better [at least I think so] than the first version of the song. Oh in the video it shows him being shot in the eye...so...maybe that happened too.

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"Hey, this is the king speaking to ya´. Bet you didn’t think I’d make it this far. But I know you all remember old Christian. I was number 4, you see. And people will think of me and say: A good king he! And cry…"

Funniest part of the song. Good laugh. :(

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I love this song.

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