7 Meanings
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Under The Runes Lyrics

In great numbers we advance before dawn
By the great hail this great fight is born
Among the clouds now our black wings fills the air
No more front lines the holy battle is everywhere

Though death may await me on the battlefield
I die to go on but by the great hail I will go,
I am marching under the runes

Countless victories we fight side by side
Deep down in the oceans on land and way up in the sky
Comed this far now there is no way back or return
If we do withdraw the horizon will seem to burn

Though death now is closing in on me
I die to go on but by the great hail I will go,
I am fighting under the runes

Standing here now amidst the hell we have made
All signs of a wonder or to survive now seems to fade
But I am a fighter and I still have my pride
They are gonna have to kill, by my own hand I refuse to die

Though now death is all that awaits me
I die to go on but by the great hail I will go
I am dying under the runes
7 Meanings
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It's "hall" not "hail". Is there a way to submit corrections?

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vonss, you are a fucking idiot.

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Let's get some things straight, first. Bathory has NEVER had ANYTHING to do with Nazis. Ever.

Whoever submitted these lyrics probably used "hail" instead of "hall" because that's what he thinks the song is about. It isn't. It's Vikings on the battlefield who are dying under the stars (Runes). There's always the possibility that might not have been Quorthon's meaning of it (We'll never know now), but it's close enough.

Song Meaning
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It's about the Waffen SS

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I personally took it to be about the experiences of a Nazi German, and persevering in the face of all odds.

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Norse warriors would paint runes on their foreheads before entering battle, both as a form of magic for inspiration, and as a means to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. That is likely what this song is about. The narrator is fighting "under the protection of the rune" he has on his forehead.

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The Nazi's didn't persevere haha, they were horrible failures, and this isn't about them. The great hall refers to Valhalla, Nazi's didn't believe in Valhalla. Runes also very clearly refers to norse mythology, this song is about vikings like most of Bathory's work.

Chard121, you are a proper halfwit and, if I might add, a "Untermenschen".

¿What does your pathetic brain-washed little brains thinks that the "SS" letters representing the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" or as you morons call it "nazi" were?. Probably something they invented up, considering the level of stupidity I see in your reply above. I will tell you, so maybe you will learn to think for yourself for the first time in your miserable life:

The "S" is the Sieg Rune, the VICTORY Rune, you retarded cunt.

And I am...

Meh, either way they will always be jackasses and miserable failures. You're calling me brainwashed? Fear and brainwashing is the only reason Nazi's ever had support.

Chard is correct. This song has nothing to do with Nazis. And sorry about the negative score, meant to click the plus >.<

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