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Solid Rock Lyrics

Well take a look at that
I made a castle in the sand
Saying this is where it’s at you know
Couldn’t understand now
If I realised that the chances were slim
How come I’m so surprised when the tide rolled in

I wanna live on solid rock
I’m gonna live on solid rock
I wanna give I don’t wanna be blocked
I’m gonna live on solid rock

Well I’m sick of potential
I’m sick of vanity now
I’m sticking to essential reality now
I don’t know what’s worse
Try to make a silk purse
Living an illusion living in confusion

Well a house of cards
Was never built for shock
You could blow it down in any kind of weather
Now two solid rocks two solid blocks
You know they’re gonna stick
Yeah they’re gonna stick together

Because the heart you break
That’s the one that you rely on
The bed that you make
That’s the one you gotta lie on
When you point, your finger cos your plan fell through
You got three more fingers pointing back at you

I wanna live on solid rock
I’m gonna live on solid rock
I wanna give I don’t wanna be blocked
I’m gonna live on solid rock
I’m solid rock now
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Solid Rock lyrics by Dire Straits

No comments :| A great rock song, a Dire straits classic. "If I realised that the chances were slim How come I’m so surprised when the tide rolled in!" Genius!

Cover art for Solid Rock lyrics by Dire Straits

the lyrics are perfect plus its so fun to play on guitar

Cover art for Solid Rock lyrics by Dire Straits

The intro on alchemy is simply brilliant. I mean, don't get me wrong, the rest of the song is great as well, but everything up to the point where he starts singing is really the best part of the whole thing. I don't like the Making Movies version much at all, but the live version ROCKS.

Well, for me the studio version is just palinly brilliant. It's as if it never stops. It looks to increase the speed all the time, gives no break at all, yet it's simple and consistent like a hammer kick. It's a bit like a Chuck Berry or Gene Vincent song, and as short as it can be done, with no extra time or display added. A bit like "We will rock you", a bit "That's it and it's all". I also love the garage sound and Roy Bittan's piano is perfect, and Pick Whiters is also perfect, givin it just the...

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