23 Meanings
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Forever Lyrics

i know a thing or two about you. your bullshit attitude. you're fucking weak
and lemme tell you it shows right through. you don't know shit about me or my
friends. what they are what i am. so cut the shit and try not to pretend. you're
scared of who and what we are and so you question yourself. but your pride won't
let you show your fear to anyone else. you don't know me. so don't judge me. you
don't know you. you're too scared to. you think you know. why i'm here after all
these years. you wanna know? well i'll tell you fucking why. go. for myself. for
my friends. for my family. forever. i'll take this to the bitter end. you don't
know a single thing about me. just what my enemies say. well fuck them and fuck
you. that shit won't cut it today. be a fucking man and stand up to find the truth
in yourself. for yourself. by yourself and not from anyone else. you think you
know. why i'm here after all these years. you wanna know? well, i'll tell you
fucking why, go. so now where are you? i'm still here, i'm still proud and i
still know what it takes to be true. for myself. for my friends. for my family.
straight fucking edge. forever.
23 Meanings
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throwdown is pretty mindless. but this particular song is a guilty pleasure of mine. it's just hard for me to resist chanting along with it.

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eh, throwdown is wondering

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wonderful too HA

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i am not straightedge at all... but i respect throwdown on soo many levels. "omg throwdown is horrible. and their lyrics are so generic and stupid.... god.. why do people like this gay shit. "

their lyrics might be stupid. but they are proud and stick up for their beliefs. right on.

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i'm still here, i'm still proud and i still know what it takes to be true for myself for my friends for my family straight fucking edge forever..

that is just so.. i don't know, im not sXe, but that is just... wonderful.

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If the lyrics are stupid and generic, why the fuck do you waste your time coming on here posting it you stupid slut.

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If you dont like this music you obviously dont have an oppinion worth reading so just fuck off. Throwdown is my favourite hardcore band and their music is so good. i heard 2 of there songs and had to buy haymaker which was THE best 20 dollars i have eva spent.

straight edge for life...spread the straight edge

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being yourself and not what they want you to be and staying true to yourself your freind and your faimly

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I love their riffs but I think the lyrics are corny as hell. Everytime I hear "Straight Fucking Edge" I can't help but laugh my ass off. It's more comical than it is sad. ;)

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Alright, bottom line?

This song has the sickest breakdowns I have ever heard in my life.

Could definitely kill some kids. :)

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