Who We Are Lyrics
a vision of a cold forsaken stone
shaped as an arc in the grass
so calm and left alone
it could be who we are
a reflection of what we do
his only friend is a quick chilled breeze
says nothing as it whispers bye
provides no comfort as the cold stone grieves
so calm and left alone
you have made me beautiful in your sight
without you this is what i once was
i remember how my heart was
cold and empty without life

My interpretation/understanding/opinion of this song:
"a shadow forms in my mind a vision of a cold forsaken stone shaped as an arc in the grass so calm and left alone it could be who we are a reflection of what we do" --he stands next to a cold forsaken stone, shaped as an arc in the grass(a grave). it remain there, left alone, people don't visit graves daily, the dead are forgotten eventually. he thinks to himself "that could be me when i die, just lying there in the ground, forgotten by loved ones and friends".usually people are remembered based on how they lived. who we really are and who we claim to be, our deeds reflect that..
"his only friend is a quick chilled breeze says nothing as it whispers bye provides no comfort as the cold stone grieves so calm and left alone" --seeing the cold stone(grave) doesn't comfort him, he's unsure of what's after death, if there's anything at all or maybe we just dire and rot and that's our end.
"You have made me beautiful in Your sight without You this is what i once was i remember how my heart was cold and empty without life" --God loves each of us, He sees us as beautiful creations made by His hand. without God he is nothing more than a person who lived and is soon forgotten. he remembers how he lived and felt before he found happiness living a life for Jesus Christ. so now when he looks at a grave, his view of death is different. he won't fear death, knowing what's after it, an eternity with God.
i like your thought about the song's meaning, sam__recklesss ..this song is one of my most liked songs by Haste the Day..

i dont think its about a relationship. i think this person is just looking at himself and sees that hes really nothing.but then he finds god with the line: "you have made me beautiful in your sight without you this is what i once was" then he remembers what he once was: "i remember how my heart was cold and empty without life"
its a beautiful song. im suprised hastee the day hasnt been commented more

i was completely unaware they were a religious band (until i popped it into my computer anyway) however it seems odd to me that no one has commented on the obvious, perhaps he's merely noting the fact that Who you are is, in his opinion, what you've done with your life. I'm a fan of this song mainly , the other part being the awesome melodies, because it fits my beliefs.

amazing song

amazing song

i actually think its a dream!

I think vtmojc nailed it. Great interpretation; never looked at it like that, and it makes sense.
I personally think this song is about how we are all equal in God's eyes, no matter "who we are".
I love this song and its message...Haste the Day rules!