You Were The Last High Lyrics

I am alone but adored
By a hundred thousand more than I said
When you were the last high
And I have known love like a whore
From at least ten thousand more than I swore
When you were the last

When you were the last high

You were awake
And I should've stayed
But wandered
I was only out for a day
Out for a day
It was Chicago for a moment and then
It was Paris and London for a few days
But I am alone but adored
By a hundred thousand more than I swore
When you were the last

When you were the last high
When you were the last high

I was the first to have spoken
And I said just about
All of the things you shouldn't say
So maybe you loved me but now
Maybe you don't
And maybe you'll call me
Maybe you won't

So I am alone but adored
By a hundred thousand more than I said
When you were the last high
And I have known love like a whore
From at least ten thousand more than I swore
When you were the last

When you were the last high
And you were the last high
21 Meanings
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this song seems pretty straight forward. Paraphrase: I could have had any one else but i wanted you. Then I fucked it up somehow. I could still have anyone but I am alone, because I still want you.

Perfect paraphrasing SweedishFish. I don't think this intoxicating song could be summed up any better.

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gets me high.

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You guys kinda missed it… you’re breaking down his lyrics incorrectly. You see: I am alone but adored By at hundred thousand more Then I swore when you were the last….

What you should see is: I am alone But adored by a hundred thousand more than I swore when you were the last.

Or even more accurately: I am alone. But I’m adored by a hundred thousand more than when I swore you were the last one who adored me.

This is an ex who he can’t forget. He’s moved on, like we all do… have relationships and are loved (emotionally) and loved like whores (sexually)… but the problem is she was the last ‘high.’ She was the last peak of his happiness.

Yeah, I feel this song hardcore… I’m sure others of you do too. Damn good song.

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this song is my ultimate high

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Excellent song, those cheesy comments notwithstanding.

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i agree with swedishfish. that must be a pretty crappy position to be in.

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jpwild240 says it best. Not much to add there. I loved this track on the Tomb Raider II soundtrack. They're adored by a hundred thousand +1 now.

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Maybe courtney is commenting on being a famous musician and still feeling alone. He has plenty of fans who adore him and he can have sex whenever he wants but its as meaningless as prostitution (I have known love like a whore). And he has only one particular person in mind, his last high.

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ahhhh just love it.

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This song is one of the only songs I'm really really listening to and I just love it so much. My dad pointed out that Courtney tends to sing in a hoarsey whisper voice. I dunno, this song is just amazing.

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