43 Meanings
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Nerdy Lyrics

It's always been up to your friends
They'll make your mind up
For you
The popularity's gone to your head
But still I don't
Ignore you

You ran for school election
You even got my vote
(And did you know)
My favourite pastime's poetry
And yesterday I wrote

Just because I'm nerdy
And my friends are thirty
It doesn't mean that I swing that way
Cos you've got complications
And a reputation
Wouldn't want to get in your way
But anyway

This morning you walked past my door
Just like a daydream
But much more
I followed you round to the store
And I was shell-shocked
When I saw

You and your friends were smoking
It always makes me choke (and did you know?)
I'd do anything to have you but
I wouldn't take a toke

Just because I'm nerdy
And my friends are thirty
It doesn't mean that I swing that way
Cos you've got complications
And a reputation
Wouldn't want to get in your way
Oh anyway
Anyway, yeah
And anyway

You said my words were beautiful
They almost made you cry
The markings on the wall were jaded
I wonder why
One two three four

Just because you're nerdy
And your friends are thirty
It doesn't mean she won't swing your way
She's got complications
And a reputation
Go ahead and stand in her way

Just because you're nerdy
And your friends are thirty
It doesn't mean she won't swing your way
She's got complications
And a reputation
Go ahead and stand in her way
But anyway
43 Meanings
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nerdy...awww look quiffporn, theyve wrote a song about you!

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WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE A PROBLEM IWTH BUSTED?? its only coz their just breaking some crappy tradition of manufactured pop boy bands. ever heard of the beatles??? they played their own instruments too. as for the lyrics their like 20 year olds trying to have some fun, honestly not everyone has to write 'deep meaningful songs' coz if they did then honestly everyone would be bored to death. another thing, why do you just presume that busted fans dont like other bands, were not as narrow minded as you think, i personally am a fan of every punk band since the sex pistols and i like 60s and some rock. and BIG DEAL if some poeple like busted alot, everyone has a favorite band, some poeple like to obbsess so let them. and also i would like to say that you guys obviously have no life,if you did you wouldnt bother wasting your valuable time commenting on bands that you dont like, if you dont like them just shove it coz no one cares.

  • we should ship them to america and not let them back, the americans will love them and i dont have to listen to them evry 10 mins on the radio or tv, bunch of losseres.* darth woody did you ever wonder WHY their on the radio every ten minutes?? its because people want to hear them, if you dont no ones forcing you to listen to it, just press that little button on your radio which has 'power' written on it and -||PunkRockDude||- you wouldnt know talent if it bit you in teh nose, and if you think they dont play their own instruments and write their own songs what in gods name makes you think your favprite band writes their own songs??? is it because they say so, well busted say so too so just screw it, and for the last time we do not like busted coz tehir good looking, if that was all we cared about we wouldnt bother wasting our money buying their singles etc in conclusion if you dont like busted you shoudlnt even be here..DUMBASS
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I think this song is HILARIOUS. I LOVE it!

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I don't actually get what this is about. (Yes i know,i'm thick!) I mean,on their first album,they had loser kid and i think this is about the same thing when you think about it

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What it's basically about (for me, anyway), is this girl that they like, but she's popular and basically out of their league, and she thinks that whoever it is that's written it is gay, hence the lyrics: "Just because I'm nerdy And my friends are thirty It doesn't mean that I swing that way" And then they pluck up the courage to give the girl the poetry that's been written about her, only to find out that she's gay and just like the guy, and he's telling her to learn from his mistakes and just go for this girl. That's my interpretation anyway.

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God, these guys couldn't suck more.

The only possible way they could have redemed themselves on this song would have been by rhyming the word "election" with "erection" (ok, it would have made me smile while I was burning postes of these tossers), but they didn't even do that.

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Wow, I wish I could write comments as intellectual and deep as yours...

Seriously, erection rhyming with election? What are you, eight? In fact, I'd have expected an eight year old to have written something better than that.

By the way, a little tip: I'd go and see a doctor about that nasty case of Tourette's you seem to have developed, that could get nasty if left unchecked.

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Ummm, just one minor qualm, these guys are British and yet they're talking about school elections...Britain doesn't have school elections! Oh yeh, and these guys are terrible.

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"Wow, I wish I could write comments as intellectual and deep as yours... " - Yeah, but you can't, so fuck off and stop boring the shit out of everyone.

folk_fool, thats because they are a bunch of dick holes, who have tried so desperately to rip off american punk culture that they haven't even taken the time to adapt it to fit.

It's pathetic how they have tried to copy the US punk 'punks -vs- jocks and preps' style shit, that only works in america, because jocks don't actually exist over here, it's fucking stupid.

Terrible really isn't the word...

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  1. quiffporn: If you'd read the comments after that sentence, you would realise I was being sarcastic.

  2. folk_fool: I don't know what kind of school you went to, but in my school we did have elections for House Captains, Head Boy, Head Girl, Class Representaives etc.

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