45 Meanings
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When the Eagle Cries Lyrics

Another day, just like any other
out of the blue, it turned to horror
How could they?
Why would they?
The innocents suffered hell's inferno
An senseless act that goes unforgotten
How could they?
They will pay.

When the Eagle Cries
Blood will flow
When the Eagle Cries
For freedom's fight
When the Eagle Cries
We love her so
When the Eagle Cries
We will sacrifice

Out of the ashes came a tempted vengeance
but we are focused, we seek redemption
we are free
we'll stay free
All they've done is make us stronger
The sleeping giant is asleep no longer
If need be
we'll die free

When the Eagle Cries
Blood will flow
When the Eagle Cries
For freedom's fight
When the Eagle Cries
We love her so
When the Eagle Cries
We will sacrifice
45 Meanings
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Well, well, well. "Arm", have you no respect for the dead? Schaffer is a genius. The song was added to the album to show tribute to those who were killed. Patriotic, maybe. Garbage, are you out of your mind man? Are you out of freaking little mind? you should learn to appreciate music before you try to decipher it's meaning.

However, on a more positive note: TWO THUMBS UP TO SCHAFFER!!! (I wish i could give him three!!)

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When I first heard this song I thought it was about the Japs attacking Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th, 1941, especialy when he said "The sleeping giant is asleep no longer". Those were Adm. Yamamoto's words after the attack. Then I saw the video to Eagle Cries, so I guess I was wrong. Oh hey "Arm" and "Mattxg88", Screw both of you! Nuking Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved Millions of lives on both sides by bringing the war to an early end. The Japs would have fought till every last man, woman and child were dead. Read your history you narrow minded liberal pieces of crap!!!

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Well, well, well. "Arm", have you no respect for the dead? Schaffer is a genius. The song was added to the album to show tribute to those who were killed. Patriotic, maybe. Garbage, are you out of your mind man? Are you out of freaking little mind? you should learn to appreciate music before you try to decipher it's meaning.

However, on a more positive note: TWO THUMBS UP TO SCHAFFER!!! (I wish i could give him three!!)

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Oh yes musically Jons a genious without a doubt. But politically hes just some dumb redneck. I read the interview he gave to that kid on Brave Worlds and Bloody Knuckles. All the political crap he said sounded like he was just some worthless dittohead who gets all his views fed to him from Rush Limbaugh.

And I never said I didn't like the song I said I did not like the message. About the Us being all innocent and then someone bombed us for no reason. Bullshit. Thats the objection I have to it. Otherwise I like the song.

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Give me a break. Your going to call someone a "dumb redneck" just because they have a different political view than you? Oh, I forgot, you can't be smart if you're not a liberal. Jackass.

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Nah not really. But the way Jon sounded in that interview with that Canadian magazine (the transcript I didnt hear it) he sounded like a pissed off redneck who was about to start screaming at that kid they sent to do the interview or kick his ass. They both made an ass out of each other and their beliefs.

And I'm sure Jons liberal in some ways. After hearing his lyrics it's apparent hes not a Jesus Freak.

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Yeah I agree with you about the meaning there Arm, it is a bit "America is such a righteous country, how could someone evilly kill our civilians?". Casually forgetting that only 60 years ago America completely totalled two Japanese cities, killing over 200,000 innocent civilians. Apart from the meaning, it's a great song though.

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Hey Arm and mattxg86 why dont u go live in another country like North Korea if America isnt good enough or if were too evil? What a buch of liberal weenars.

Jon Schaffer is an amazing songwriter and a great person

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I guess IcedEarthisgod doesnt know that the price of a democracy is constant vigilance. Or does he know that America is not the world.

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When I first heard this song I thought it was about the Japs attacking Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th, 1941, especialy when he said "The sleeping giant is asleep no longer". Those were Adm. Yamamoto's words after the attack. Then I saw the video to Eagle Cries, so I guess I was wrong. Oh hey "Arm" and "Mattxg88", Screw both of you! Nuking Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved Millions of lives on both sides by bringing the war to an early end. The Japs would have fought till every last man, woman and child were dead. Read your history you narrow minded liberal pieces of crap!!!

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