Walk On Lyrics
Bring up my name, pass it 'round
They don't mention happy times
They do their thing, I'll do mine
I can't tell them how to feel
Some get stoned, some get strange
But sooner or later it all gets real
Walk on, walk on
Stayed up all night gettin' crazed
Then the money was not so good
But we still did the best we could
I can't tell them how to feel
Some get stoned, some get strange
But sooner or later it all gets real
Walk on, walk on

In the Decade CD booklet, Neil says this is his "defensive reaction to criticisms of 'Tonight's the Night' and the seemingy endless flow of money coming my way from you people out there".

Neil wrote Southern Man and Alabama out of protest against racial prejudice and problems with the South. Lynyrd Skynyrd, being from the South themselves, wrote Sweet Home Alabama to basically say, "It's not all bad down here". The first verse of this song was a response to Skynyrd's song.

The first part is about Skynyrd... for obvious reasons. The song is basically just a big fuck-you to critics and people he used to know that are jealous of his fame.

Lynyrd Skynyrd responded to "Southern Man' with "Sweet Home Alabama". This is Neil's response to that song. It's also sort of meant to be a message to his record companies old and new, CSN, anyone stuck in the past, and whoever f's with Neil. Neil's so very underrated - Classic rock stations play just a few of his songs. What stations play his newer songs, besides "Harvest Moon"? I smell a conspiracy.

Blame Clear Channel.

yeah they own every goddamn station in the universe

i think its about drugs too, smoking weed. and beasically neil saying, ya i smoke, so what?
stayed up all nite getting crazed? that means getting baked

supposedly recorded under the influence of honey slides
The whole album I hear...ahhaha
The whole album I hear...ahhaha

first verse isnt about skynyrd as far as im aware, always took it to me his partners in other groups.