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I'll Be Your Friend Lyrics

You said they laid out lots of coke
But you don't know how much you did
Now you don't want me to go home
Because you're afraid you might get sick
It's like the bad news you accept
Just like the boy you'll go out and get
It's all the drunken promises
I'll be your friend, but you just haven't made me yet

So you come chasing after me
When I'm just barely out the door
Down in the belly of the beast
We waited with the passing drugs
Just like that train I've got to catch
Just like that song I can't finish
It's the mistake I won't regret
You'll be my friend, but I just haven't made you yet
You'll be my friend, but I just haven't made you

Now you talk when you're drunk
Like you're standing in front of a microphone
And each night it repeats
And you fall into me like a domino
And you talk when you're drunk
Like you're writing it out for an article
And you think that I lie when I tell you good-bye
And I'm going to go because I've got to go
But I guess it's a success
We're at our best when you're upset
I'll be your friend, you just haven't made me yet
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28 Meanings

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Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

i like this song....its sweet.

the last line is "but i guess its a success we're at out best when your upset ill be your friend you just havent made me yet"

good song, looking forward to this split

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

I've gotten really into this song, and this split, over the past few days. I've had it for a while, but am totally digging it now. I love this song too, that last line is fucking stellar.... the way he says Success gives me a chubby.. lol

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

"And you talk when you're drunk like you're writing it out for an article." Oh how true.

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

Yes, yes. It's a good one.

I like that whole "now you talk when you're drunk..." part. It reminds me of someone.

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

It's like the bad news you accept, just like the boy you'll go out and get.

i like that. i think he takes care of the girl, and she doesn't appreciate him for it, and just wants to have someone there for her, but forgets about this at other times/goes out and gets any other boy. awesome song.

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

isn't it "But I guess it's a success we're at our best when you're upset"?

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

yeah, those are the correct lyrics.

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

cant see why so few people have commented on this song, which i think is really good. im not to keen on the saxophone-thing, though. i think its about this person who obviously has a drug problem, and he sort of takes care of this person even though he doesnt seem to get anything out of it. he's a friend to this person, even though he or she havn't looked upon him that way before.

or is he singing about himself? the microphone-part in the end goes quite well together with his being-drunk-on-stage-rumor, and in the beginning he hear himself talking about not knownig how much coke he did, wishing that he'd take care of himself. that he'd see himself as his own friend instead of being filled with self-hatred.

Cover art for I'll Be Your Friend lyrics by Bright Eyes

if someone could send this to me over AIM, i'd love them forever.