7 Meanings
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Princess Lyrics

oh princess
you make the party
with your hands
in your pockets
and your innocent eyes
and all those things
running around in your head

oh princess you make the party
you've been everybody's darling now
everybody's win
bold for the boys who
keep you guessing
and all those things
running around...

and "all my pauses they're all stops anyway"
you would say...
and 'all pauses they're all stops anyway
and i could really use a win'

oh princess
you act like the answer
with your hands
all over me
promising to be here
when the world comes down
with all those things
running around...

and "all my pauses they're all stops anyway"
you would say...
and "oh, i could really use the win..
i could really use the win"

i don't mind, baby
just spill your secrets on me...
i don't mind, baby...
just spill your secrets on me...
i don't mind, baby

oh princess.
your ready for greatness
all edited and weightless
never more alive
and oh dear
how they'll whisper your name
in time
Song Info
Submitted by
skeeter688 On Apr 12, 2004
7 Meanings
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I diagree with a number of the above interpretations. When interpreting the song, we need to remember that Matt has explained that he truly disliked the subject of the song (i.e. the "princess") when he composed it. While the nickname "Princess" is typically a term of endearment, here, Matt utilizes the term as more of an insult, a name that's meant to ridicule and mock the way that she conducts her life. He's hurt and feels like he was fooled by her initial charm.

In the first verse, Matt describes how the girl fools people - although unspoken, she's clearly beautiful and people are drawn to her. People who don't know her think that she is a darling, sweet and innocent, but Matt knows her enough to know that she's far from it. We'll get to the chorus in a moment, but the verse after the chorus explains that Matt's felt duped by her - she's shown interest, "with your hands all over me," but he feels like she's playing him and won't be there "when the world comes down." And she continues on, with others being charmed by her presence and putting other men under her spell.

The chorus and the last few lines depict how Matt believes that this girl is headed for a pretty significant downfall, "in time." The chorus itself shows how Matt can see through her facade - she continues living a shallow existence, but she's suffering underneath. He can help her, but she won't give him the time of day beyond the initial glimmers of attention she provided. He'll be there for her if she ever does decide to return his attention ("just spill your secrets on me"), but really, he doesn't have much hope for her. The last line is a warning to her: in time, Matt believes that more people will see through to her terrible qualities, and will whisper behind her back about her and all the things she's done.

Song Meaning
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if you listen to his CD at the point he talks about this song being about someon he used to hate but now he doesnt, i think it is about someone who wouldnt give him the time of day before, or maybe he assumed, he sees her as overly confident and wants to know how she does it and have her know he is there to confide in ("i dont mind baby, just spill your secrets on me"

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Personally, it's written about me I feel. It's about a crazy, weird, beautiful girl that everyone would kill to be with and she's dated a few guys either to be serious or just to take her mind of things("you've been everyone's darling now"), but really what she wants more than anything (one specific boy) doesn't want her back. It's about him watching her from a distance b/c her beauty is so breathtakingly bizaare and unusual. And he can see the hunger in her eyes that this life is holding her back and she's ready to become soo much more than what others make her out to be, but she keeps waiting to find the guy first to make it fall into place.

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"This is a song called Princess and this is about a girl who I thought was terrible and I recently uh.. reneged.. on that thought. Course there's a whole record worth of songs that bash her. What are you gonna do? Water under the bridge."

Transcribed directly from the track.

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MN: This is a song called "Princess" it's about a girl who I thought was terrible but I later, uhhh (points to wedding ring) re-negged on that thought.

Crowd: (laughs)

MN: Of course, there's like a whole record's worth of songs that bash her. But, what are you gonna do? Water under the bridge...

Girl in crowd: Does she know?

MN: Yeah, she knows. She's not psyched.

Best moment from At the Point!

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its about new love, and he is so amazed by every little thing about her, like her innocent eyes, and her hands in her pockets, hes ready to go into life with her and for both of them to live it to the fullest... he sees their future and all of the possiblities that await them... he is just happy to be alive with this girl, and thats good enough for him

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There is only one princess in rock 'n roll.

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