10 Meanings
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Three Ways Lyrics

There’s three ways out of every box
Fall out the bottom
Or you crawl out the top
There’s three ways
Out of every, every box
But if you can’t find your way out
Then you just burn it
To the ground
And then you’ll disappear
Like smoke
Into the clouds

There’s three ways off a merry-go-round
You either jump
Or you let it slow down
There’s three ways
Off a merry-go, merry-go round
And if you can’t put your foot down
Then you just burn it
To the ground
Then you walk away
Real slow
Back into the crowd

There’s always somebody there for a laugh
Then you’re the only one
That’s left
Now that’s what you get
Left behind in the wreck

There’s three ways off a burning bridge
You pray for rain
Or you learn how to swim
There’s three ways off of every
Burning bridge
But if you can’t find strength
And you quit
Then you can just burn up
And sink
Then you’ll drift away
Real slow
Down into the ground
10 Meanings
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Yes, sort of says there's always a way out of any situation you may get yourself into. If you can't find a good way to deal with it then there's always the hard messy way. Just get out of it, better than stay trapped in it.

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This is an awesome song. Just everything about it is so awesome.

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This is an awesome song. Just everything about it is so awesome.

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whooops sry bout that mates.

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I agree, it's awesome. I like how calm and slow it is, but then after each verse he says "just burn it to the ground."

another one of my theme songs. lights match

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There are various solutions to every problem: Find a way out (such as learning how to swim or praying for rain when it comes to the burning bridge) Or just let it happen, though you risk "drifting away.. down into the ground."


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This is just a perfect song, like so many on red letter days.

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this song has always impressed me lyrically, but it struck me the other day that i've never really thought of what it's about. which is a strange thing for me.

my working theory is that it's a sort of intervention for someone who has severely destructive tendencies. when they are confronted with an obstacle (being trapped in a box or on a merri-go-round) it doesn't matter if they have other options, they will find a way to cause the most distress for themselves or those around them. when faced with an especially hard situation (being on a burning bridge) they would rather give up than give in.

im thinking through my type, here. help me out :)

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This song is absolutely amazing. I really find a lot of clarity with my own issues and problems when listening to it. Basically, the way I have interpreted the lyrics is much like everyone else has.

First scenario there is a box, which can be a reference to a situation where someone is trapped, whether it be in a relationship or an occupation…etc. but the general feeling that the situation gives is that of being contained. And with that situation you have your options: you can crawl out the bottom and take action which may or may not have consequences or you can crawl out the top and ride out the situation. Of course there is a third option, like in all the scenarios of the songs which is to just give up and burn it up and essentially learn nothing from the situation and “disappear like smoke”.

The second scenario is very much the same except with the feeling of spinning or loss of control of a situation. The options there are, again, similar: take action and jump off or ride it out and see where it takes you. As well, you can always just burn it up and again learn nothing.

And finally the third scenario pulls everything together. The burning bridge suggests decision. So basically whether you are the person trapped in the box or the person spinning out of control on the mary-go-round: you are on a burning bridge and faced with three choices: HOPE that things will change, DEAL with it and take action to promote change, or QUIT and give up and essentially be caught on fire…which references to the point that burning the box or mary-go-round is essentially burning yourself and getting you nowhere.

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Just spitballin', but i think the song is about a problem (probably in a relationship in this case, knowing thar jakob dylan wrote it and that seems to be a bit of a theme in some of his songs) that can be solved in three ways, two of which will save it and one that will end it. The first way is a passive approach, to stick it out and wait for the problem to solve itself, the next way is to take some sort proactive aproach to try and fix things, and finally the third way is to just destroy the relationship and leave.

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