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Buried A Lie Lyrics

Rest in peace girl, your death is such a shame
The paper said a bullet got in your way
But I smell foulplay, possible poisoning
I had to bring her in for questioning
I went to your grave, dug up your body
Brought it to my house, where you lay

So lets play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
For me...

I headed downtown, to share what I had found
It's not a suicide, it's a crime
I have a witness, it's clearly evident
There had to be someone else present
At the time of death, poisons in stomach
How could she pull it, if she's dead?

So lets play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
We need a scalpel now
Under white lights you lay
We've got to hurry up
Before the flesh decays

I'll catch the murderer
And send him away
I'll get the evidence
From your last day

Your last day..

So lets play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
We need a scalpel now
Under white lights you lay
We've got to hurry up
Before the flesh decays

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Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

Maybe the dead body is a metaphor. I interpret it as a girl who is "dead" emotionally to Buddy. She has her reasons why she fell out of love, others have theirs, and he wants the truth since he smells "foul play." ....Just a thought.

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

The song's theme is about refusing to let go while continually trying right a wrong, which ultimately can be applied to a number of siuations, from relationships to actual cases of murder. For more insight into this idea, go see the film I Am Legend. The music video itself literally follows the lyrics word for word. The girl in this song was obviously murdered (yes, literally), yet the song writer want's to accomplish much more than proving that she was murdered; he wants to clear her name and thus justify his reasons for loving her. He wants to prove to her (who is dead) as well as himself that their relationship had value you to it, and was something worth holding onto. He becomes obsessed with proving this to both her, himself, and others and eventually digs up her body. As you can tell from the lyrical content, he suffers a mental breakdown. It can therefore be suggested that both the girl and Buddy had issues beyond what is presented. Buddy could have even killed her to prove his point (same thing was done in film starring Kevin Spacey...can't remember the name) and is suprised that everyone could not find who actually killed her and still writes her off as suicidal. So the lyrics are actually very dark and examines the idea of how far some will go to prove to others as well as themselves that they did the right thing.

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

Running On Empty are you some kind of overprotective mother? Seriously "I don't like how much they say the 'f' word on the new cd". Come on lighten up a little and if this music offends you go listen to Ashlee Simpson or something.

Anyway, the song is pretty good, catchy stuff. What I don't like about it is that there just doesn't seem to be any underlying meaning under the lyrics. Usually in songs with metaphors they can hint at what its actually about. For all we know this could really just be about performing an autopsy or something. This should be the song Grissom and Horatio sing while they map out crime scenes. There probably is a meaning behind it but its not given in any type of fashion in which it can be figured out, so its all just guessing.

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

its a metaphor guys....shit.

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

silence, butterroll ...

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

Buddy comments about this song in a live video. He says it's about losing faith. I imagine there's no direct reference to the actual meaning because it's a touchy subject and considering it was the 'pop' song off of this CD the band/producers wouldn't want to take away from it's sell-ability. The lyrics seem to be a metaphor for self-scrutiny, other forces did not 'get to the bottom' of the crime so he's digging up all the evidence to find out the truth for himself.

That's my take on the song.

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

coolest song ever

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

Buddy has gotten really dark with his lyrics on the upcoming CD, with this song being a great example. Great guitar riffs along with kick ass vocals, but what a dark message, if you read the lyrics it should be pretty self-explanatory...

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

Cant get this song un-stuck from my mind. I just went to their concert a few days ago in chicago and it rocked. He sung his brains out and he felt sick, hehe.. Hes pretty damn good if ya ask me. Anyways....this song is crazy. Did he write from experience? shrug Its a good song though, kinda creepy after a while, but awesome anyways.

Cover art for Buried A Lie lyrics by Senses Fail

damn, this song should be heavier. it's got a catchy sound. but with what the song reveals, shoould be some screaming and deeper basses.

other then that, Buddy killed the girl. no quesitons asked.