25 Meanings
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Venus Lyrics

You could be from Venus.
I could be from Mars.
We would be together, Lovers forever.
Care for each other...

You could live in the sea.
and I could be a bird.
We would be together, Lovers forever.
Care for each other...

If you were an illusion,
I would make it real.
We would be together, Lovers forever.
Care for each other...

If you walk in the sun,
I would be your shadow.
We would be together, Lovers forever.
Care for each other...
25 Meanings
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This song doesn't need deep lyrics, I think they are more concerned with the gorgeous music. Some of their best songs are instrumentals. I like the simplicity.

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well said, hotsoupwoman. the lyrics really could be called "ambient" (like the music), in that they still have basically the same effect whether you listen closely or not. that's what gives this song such a strong and constant "mood".

if you like this sort of musical/lyrical style combination, you should try listening to the group junior boys.

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This song's fantastic, simple lyrics just enhance the meaning of the song. they work perfectly with the gentle instrumentation and anything more complicated would take from Air's music, I tells ya! Their music seems to have a unique texture that i've fallen for. yes, i said texture.

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I think hes basically saying: your a women, i'm a man You can drift around life, ill watch If your not real, ill make you what i think you are I will follow you everywhere

And then he says "We would be together" meaning all these things he's said are connected in some way, Women are opposite to men. Fish glide through the water, birds glide through the sky. Illusions need someone to make them real. And when something blocks the sun their is a shadow.

He says "lovers forever" again showing theirs a connection between what he's saying.

"care for eachother" makes me think all the things hes said come hand in hand, ie: Theirs no women without men(venus and mars), Illusions need someone to make them real, And theirs no shadow without someone blocking light,

Well in my opinion thats what I get out of it, please give a response to this if you want.

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i kind of like their simplistic lyric style

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this song is amazing, air's lyrics are simple.. yet do wonders for me.. I love the music aswell.

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air does have a lot of pieces that are strictly instrumental. they make music for the music, not the words.

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This song's fantastic, simple lyrics just enhance the meaning of the song. they work perfectly with the gentle instrumentation and anything more complicated would take from Air's music, I tells ya! Their music seems to have a unique texture that i've fallen for. yes, i said texture.

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WTF, This song's lyrics are perfect. I like a lot of music with complex lyrics (Circle Takes The Square for one), but Air does NOT need them. They recreate a very beautiful yet simple young love in such a beautiful way. I love this song.

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Thank you DEATHCUT 666... And on that note- This song is great. gentle music, and the lyrics are simple and effective.

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