My favorite line is "I guess you could say, I gave you my edge".
Its like emphasizing how much he has given up for her/their relationship. Not in a "you owe me" kind of way, but almost in a........ "thats how much i love you" way. Buts thats not the exact feeling i get from that line. It's hard for me to explain.. it's more of just a really honest statement of how vulnerable he is. Like any advantage he had in the relationship (whether it be emotional distance, or no intention of committing etc) he's given up for her. Like "Here I am. No shroud, no mystery. I no longer have anything to keep me from getting hurt. You now have the advantage over me." Its like that point in a relationship where you realize that this person could hurt you more than anyone else. That you are in such a vulnerable position. Not that you don't trust them... But there's always that fear, and that prayer in the back of your mind, that they don't abuse that power they have. And the way he sings it is just so matter-of-fact, and yet weak at the same time. And that combined with the melody and everything, it's just...beautiful.
Wow. I love your comment. 'I gave you my edge' is brilliant line for me, too And 'matter-of-fact' is such a great expression for Paul's style.
Wow. I love your comment. 'I gave you my edge' is brilliant line for me, too And 'matter-of-fact' is such a great expression for Paul's style.
My 3-second-interpretation: It's about wishing for something big and just settling for what you have. I pretty much just left the chorus out of this guess, but perhaps its a start.
Well, considering that I can't even find the song or the artist that tsucol mentioned, not even with Google, I'll disregard that little rant.
Personally, I think this song just embodies everything about a relationship that ends. Not just any sort of relationship, but a meaningful one, one of those that "define" your life. Yes, sure, there's some sexual connotation to it, like "I gave alot to you / I take alot from you too," like losing virginity or something :P Chronologically though, as you listen to the song, you notice different stages of intensity. At first, the song opens up and sounds completely mellow and sincere. As it progresses, it starts to break down, the lyrics become a little more aggressive, and finally just ends with the guitar playing that somewhat sinister sounding note. At least, that's my perspective on it.
This song is about a guy telling a girl that he has tried, but he just can't commit. One day he might be able to, but not right now - he wants to live free. They've both given alot to each other, but he just wants to be selfish right now. However, she looks pretty good right now, so lets go home and hit it. Not romantic at all- which is why I love this song. It's real and realistic.
I think this song is about a man in a relationship with a girl who he is deeply in love with, but it's not perfection as he would like it to be, and he waivers from loving her to doubting their relationship. He wants to spend his life with her, and he thinks that it'll get better with time. He also feels that he shouldn't completely devout himself to this relationship as he doesn't want to get hurt.
one day we'll live together and life will be better I have it here yeah in my mind
my favorite part it's the last minute.. i sounds like.. i wanna hurt your ears with this sound.. pouring his heart with help of the guitars
this song is hot..and so true....sighs
this song is hot..and so true....sighs
I thought the last lines said: They're looking away tonight I think we should go
I love they way interpol make the emotion real with the last 2 and 1/2 minutes.
this is a good underrated song by interpol. the lyrics make more sense than a lot of their other lyrics, at least to me.