Floater Lyrics

I love this song. it's one of my favorites from every time i die.

Don't let your dreamers grow up to be dead men. Drown us at birth, save her some time.
This guy can really write a song, thats one brilliant line.
Girls do kill guys. well the pussy ones.

when they play this live, they draw out the last "Drag the lake" part...it's sweet

YEA ! man what a crazy song

In the event that everything should go terrible wrong... that thing sounds like the perfect mix of The Gathering and Deftones.

Dang, heck of deep.

amazing song: ERROR: "and she's got the warmest that I've ever had." CORRECT: "she's got the warmest body that I've never had." I love this line, my guess he talks about some fit girl, hah.

This song is about everyone.

setfire, I don't think this is just about girls killing guys... it's about the guy hating what he's done in his life and that cost him a chance at being with the girl referenced in the song.
"We've been carrying on too long. I'm sorry, but I'm gone. I've got a bad reputation to think about. I've been dirty, I've been wrong. Maybe someday they'll find that I've washed up."
That just screams regret to me.

dudes pretorben is absoultley correct. But to continue on that point, not only is it about regret, it deals with suicide all together.
to my mistress the bridge is indictating the end of his life, talking to the last person around, which just happens to be a bridge.
farwell scenic highway overpass: this is the scenic highway overpass he's about to jump off of.
he's definatley feelig these suicidal tendicies from a heartbreak expirence, you see this is "bring ur hildren to the water and let them see what heartache did"
I also think he's pulling out a metaphoric referecne to the lake and or bridge being the one he is becoming married too, as opposed to the girl he is depressed over.
Also, towards the beginning with the lines ive got a bad rep to think about etc., i believe he is trying to find other things to justify his suicide upon rather than just this heart ache he has expirenced.
lastly, the phrase drag the lake is a commonly used term for if a child was lost near by a lake. They "comb" the lake for a body. So by saying drag the lake youll find it full of love, he's saying drag the lake and u'll see all sorts of people down there, most likely caused from a depressional sense of heartache.
Keith Buckley is my favorite lyricsist ever.