21 Meanings
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Hypnotize Lyrics

well if you set your mind to fallin
i know that you can
you got everything you wanted
you've done everything you plan
so let me make an offer
i'm only trying to help
you can make your loan just a little longer
all you got to do is share the wealth
oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself
oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself
i know you've got problems
i see it in your eyes
but if you want to live to see the morning
leave it up to your brother or you get a surprise
oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself
oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself
well it's time to see
you've got to give or your gonna see
hey it's time to see
you've got to give if you wanna believe
you will breathe
it's time to see
(oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself)
(oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself)
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21 Meanings

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Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

I don't think it's about loan sharks. Audioslave probably have some sort of socialist principles, (being formed from remnants of Rage) and this is a very socialist song. "Sharing the wealth" is what it's all about. The singer presents himself as trying to help the person who has amassed this personal wealth, that would be better spent on fellow human beings. It is a warning against those who are greedy and have huge excess while living in proximity to those who have almost nothing. Probably not without relation, Audiosalve were the first U.S. band to play a rock concert in Cuba.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

I would have to agree that this song is about sharing your good luck/wealth (not to be greedy...), the lyrics aren't their best. But, with that said, this song is amazing musically and vocally. Drums, bass, and guitar are all great here. And I love the Cornell low voice with his own high backing vocals; reminds me of some of his SG like 4th of July.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

the backround hypnotized me into this song and the lyrics are powerful enough to do the same i don't dare to interpret but i like the song.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

This song is consistent with the spiritual bent of most of Cornell's lyrics. To paraphrase the Bible, Jesus says "...to the extent that you have done things for the least of my brothers, you have done so for me..". I think Chris is speaking from the viewpoint of Jesus Christ (though not in a sacrilegious sort of way). He is admonishing those who attempt to horde wealth, just as Jesus did in his parable of the man who died before he could enjoy his riches. From a socio-political perspective, I think he is referring to the inbalance of wealth and power between the wetsern world (particularly G7 nations) and the lesser developed countries. Domestically, he could be referring to the disparity between nonminorities (..whites) and minorities (..blacks).

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

I know there's always religious connotations to Cornell's lyrics, but this one strikes me as being one of his more or less straightforward songs. I think it's not so much about greed or capitalism, but more about a person's power to do good, especially when put alongside some of the other songs on the album (we're thinking of "What You Are", "I Am the Highway", "The Last Remaiing Light" and "Light My Way" here). I was playing the CD on shuffle today and those four songs and this one all came up together, so I think there's something of a theme running across them about a person choosing to do decent things or being forced to do them.

It's especially noticeable in these lines: "All you got to do is share the wealth." Which I read as choosing to do something decent ...

"But if you want to live to see the morning." ... Or you can have no choice in the matter and be forced into it.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

You cant criticize a song based on lyrics that are incorrect beyond reason. Here are the correct lyrics from http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Hypnotize-lyrics-Audioslave/717693E11A7EAC9148256C6A000A22A6 With one correction made by me. Well if you set your mind upon it I know that you can You've got everything you wanted You've done everything you planned So let me make an offer I'm only trying to help You can make your load Just a little lighter All you got to do is share the wealth

[Chorus] Oh no don't you keep your Good luck to yourself Oh no don't you keep your Good luck to yourself

Well I know you got problems I see it in your eyes But if you want to live To see the morning Give it up to your brother Or you'll get a surprise

[Chorus] {Break}

Well, it's time to see You got to give or you're gonna receive It's time to see You got to give if you wanna believe (Correct Lyrics) You won't breathe (Original Lyrics from the page) You can be

[Chorus] Oh no don't you keep your Good luck to yourself

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

This song is about loan sharks. A man borrows some money from a loan shark, makes more money with it, and now the loan shark wants his money back. If that doesn't happen, the loan shark is going to kill him.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

The reason I don't think you are correct hastlavictoria is because of these lyrics:

"But if you want to live To see the morning Give it up to your brother Or you'll get a surprise"

He's basically saying "Spread the wealth or I'll kill you". Anyone Amoral enough to kill someone over money isn't going to spend that same money on his fellow human beings. Look at Robin Hood, he stole from the rich too but he didn't kill anybody.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

It's about showing kindness to others. In the chorus, it says, "Oh no don't you keep your good luck to yourself." Which sounds like if you're lucky enough to live well, share some of it with others that may not have it.

Cover art for Hypnotize lyrics by Audioslave

This song is prolly my favorite by Audioslave...atm...

tom morrello can do some crazy things on that guitar of his, but beyond that Chris Cornell and his own backup vocals give the song that hypnotizing feeling. Truly a great song if there ever was one.