14 Meanings
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Paper Tiger Lyrics

I'll never hold you back
And I won't force my will
I will no longer do the devil's wishes
Something I read on a dollar bill
A paper tiger can't tell you where he stands
We'll go back tonight the way that we came
I'm not dumb, just want to hold you hand

So alright
Where we want to be
and alright
What that we could be

We could go kick down some doors together
Stay out 'til morning sharp as knives
The new war will get you, it will not protect you
But I will be there with you when you turn out the light
Said I will be there with you when you turn out the light
I will be there with you when you turn out the light
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14 Meanings

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Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

i know that the term "paper tiger" is used to describe something that appears powerful but is as substantial as, say, paper. i love the line "i will no longer do the devil's wishes/something i read on a dollar bill" referring to the phrase "in god we trust". to be honest i'm not really sure what this song means but its amazing and the word play is very clever.

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

I thought it was: "i will no longer do the devil's dishes"

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

I'm not sure what this song means as well...but I must comment on how incredibly amazing this song is performed live...I've seen it 3 or so times now...mindblowing. unbelievable.

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

I think on the recorded version it's "wishes," but when they play live it's "dishes."

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

This song is one of my favorite spoon songs... "I'm not dumb, just wanna hold your hand" its so sweet and simple

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

is it not "paper tiger"?

like wtf is a tigar...

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

Hahahaha, tigar. Yeah, definitely tiger.

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

the sounds in the beginning sound like the podracers from sw ep1

or is it just me?

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

I love the lyrics. we could go kick down some doors together stay out til morning sharp as knives the new war will get you it will not protect you.

Cover art for Paper Tiger lyrics by Spoon

i always thought the beginning sounded like jurassic park, when a t-rex is coming. hahahahahaha.