The Idiots Are Taking Over Lyrics
Now the idiots have taken over
Spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?
Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary
The industrial revolution
Has flipped the bitch on evolution
The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer
The world keeps getting dumber
Insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason
The fittest are surviving much less often
Now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool
Now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
And I'm starting to feel a lot like Charlton Heston
Stranded on a primate planet
Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground
With generals and the armies that obeyed them
Followers following fables
Philosophies that enable them to rule without regard
Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred
Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions
Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions
A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
Pass on traditions
How to get ahead religions
And prosperity via simpleton culture

These lyric's are NOT over the top, they are saying what needs to be said! I don't think this song is a "fun" song, someone is stepping up and trying to inform people of what's happening to our country. We have to admit that there are, many, flaws in our country if we want it to be better. I also feel like this song could reach beyond the scope of politics and include the "average American". This is difficult to sum up in one post, but just look around and compare our culture to a few others. America is not the fittest, but we sheild ourselves with money and our reputation. People just need to be a bit more concerned with our future instead of who's going to win a reality television show.. make sense?

yeh wats sad is how my country's governement, which is australia, looks up to america, our leader, howard, has his head so far up bushes arse, its hard to tell were bush ends and he begins.... and our governement is slowly but surely becoming as greedy, selfish, and ignorant as americas is.... it fuckin sucks i hate john howard he can fuck off!!! i feel sorry for the shitload of americans who know wats goin on and have to put up with bushes stupidity, and shit..

'a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists '
holy crap! ive been saying that since before i ever heard this song... nofx is the shit!

right... so sorry buti love this song... and im gonna go on for a while...
"it's not the right time to be sober now the idiots have taken over spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?"
the world is full of stupid people... and it just seems like were all getting dumber. like its contagious.
"Mensa membership exceeding tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding Watson, it's really elementary the industrial revolution has flipped the bitch on evolution the benevolent and wise are being cornered, ostracized, what a bummer the world keeps getting dumber insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason"
because theres so many ignorant assholes out there the people who are smart and actually think rationally are being isolated because of that. people believe things but dont have a logical reason to believe that but because its only few people who have reasoning for their beliefs no-one wants to go against the crowd and agree with them... there afraid of being different.
"darwin's rolling over in his coffin the fittest are surviving much less often now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening"
it used to be that the fittest survived. kind of like every man for himself. but now its almost like you survive if you go along with the crowd.
"someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston stranded on a primate planet apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground with generals and the armies that obeyed them followers following fables philosophies that enable them to rule without regard"
theres so many people who dont have a clue about anything who are having children they cant educate them and teach them proper norms and values because they dont know these things themselves. so people are just following things because other people are. not because its right
"there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated"
we live in a democracy... a government where people can say what they think and have something done about it. but it doesnt work that way. we live in dictation but people are so dumb to see it. people celebrate uneducated unaware and uninformed people doing foolish things and think that its good.
"political scientists think the same one vote as some arkansas inbred majority rule, don't work in mental institutions sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions"
how can we vote and choose the majority when the people voting are to stupid to understand the reasons for their decisions. majority rule is never going to work unless the people voting are intelligent and understand. somethimes its the single person with a brain that will have the better decision.
"what are we left with? a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland pass on traditions how to get ahead religions And prosperity be a symbol to culture the idiots are taking over"
not quite sure how to put that bit...

if I had to have a top5 nofx songs (which is impossible), this one would be in it

if I had to have a top5 nofx songs (which is impossible), this one would be in it

"Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions"
I love this line, it's like saying it doesnt matter if you vote or not because when you leave the decision to a country full of idiots the outcome is always going to be disaster. I obviously know that not all Americans are idiots, but I would put money down saying that 85 out of every 100 (85%) would pass off as idiots IMO.

FAntastic song and the bass is really difficult to play at the beginning I guess!!!!

DAMN FINE SONG! i bought this album prettymuch on a recommendation from my friend, and War on Errorism whips ass. this, seperation of church and skate, and franco un-american are my favrite tracks.

this has gotta be about all the dickheads who have a political seat right now