A Short Walk Down A Long Hallway Lyrics

Let me be the one to breathe. I bathed in mud to wash away the dirt. Blaming you for all that hurt. I let you down and soaked up the lies. I let it go and dropped to my knees. For your forgiveness I'm begging you please. Cuz I broke down and soaked up the lies. You're still the one that opened my eyes. Let me be the one to breathe. How did you find me? When I was laying so low. I've been hiding. I've been breeding. What do you want from when I'm bleeding. Disgust. Disgrace. You'll slap that look right off my face. I'll play God. I'll play dead. You'll be the one to shoot me in the head. And I'm waiting. And I'm waiting. Still hating. Still haunting. Disbelief and denial. You're the one that put me on trial. And I'll try and find out why all these things leave me in doubt. But this time I'm wrong. Let it go. Let it out. And I'll find you. And I'll touch you. And I'll see you. And I'll trust you. I've been wanting. I've been craving. All these thoughts are real and I'm shaking. So cover me in this dirt. Burry me with all that's hurt. What luck have I found? My head spins round and round. I found the feel. I found the flow. I found what I've been craving. All these thoughts are real and I'm shaking. So cover me in this dirt. Burry me with all that's hurt.
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i like this song specially the begining it kicks ass

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