12 Meanings
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Vacuum Bag Lyrics

You'll never know what happened to me
It's just one of those things
I was sitting by myself
And my thoughts started pouring out
Remember that time on our trip
You asked me where we were going
I said Barcelona
You said that's not what I meant
Maybe I'll never get it
I just don't think I'm like that
Don't like planning stuff out
It never happens that way

I'm like a vacuum bag That holds all that old dirt
Remember that time we found your mom's Valium and took it?

Don't hate me, don't regret me, don't ever forget me
Wherever you go, whatever you do, don't say I never loved you

That summer when we wore no shoes
And we danced on the Fourth of July
And we listened to your sister's records
And Frampton came alive
Even then you knew what you wanted
Even then I had no clue
I was just living in the moment
And the moment was all about you
Remember that time in LA
You asked we what we were doing
I said we're doing fine
You said here we go again

I'm like a vacuum bag
That holds all that old dirt
Remember that time we said we'd be together forever?

'Cause it matters to me
Can you hear me?
Everyday I ask the same thing

Will you ever know what happened to me?
It happens everyday
And you wonder what went on
It's there and then it's gone
Maybe I'm sentimental
And I start to reminisce
And every time I do
I still want to tell you this
12 Meanings
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this song totally rocks, makes me reminisce on past relationships, it really.. i don't know, it just plain rocks

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i cant believe this song only has one comment. its great....the lyrics are awesome. i think lots of people can relate to the vacuum bag line after a relationship ends.

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i cant believe this song only has one comment. its great....the lyrics are awesome. i think lots of people can relate to the vacuum bag line after a relationship ends.

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Seems like Stroke nine is going for more story-oriented lyrics. So far I don't think it has the catchiness of "Nasty Little Thoughts" but I definitely think that they have made up for it in some of the emotional delving and the quality of the music.

Like this song for instance. It just seems to spell out a whole relationship. And I've been there so many times. I'm intelligent and I am very sensitive to what goes on in a relationship but yet sometimes I'm left totally clueless. And when it ends I feel the same way. That maybe we weren't meant to be and all, but why stop talking to me? Why try to forget everything? At least remember the good times we've had and take that with you.

And I don't think people truly forget.

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I love this song I heard that little black back pack back one n when their name came up I recognized 100 Girls and Kick some ass so I thought all their songs could be that good and this one and Anywhere are amazing

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the lyrics are awesome, they are so true...

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reminds me of minus the bear, just the whole dynamic of being with a girl and listening to music and it being over but the memories never fading

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Don't hate me, don't regret me, don't ever forget me Wherever you go, whatever you do, don't say I never loved you

it gets me everytime

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This is a great song... I mean, yes, he's just og tten out of a relationship, and i love it when he says:

Remember that time on our trip You asked me where we were going I said Barcelona You said that's not what I meant

like, she meant where is this relationship going.. I just like how he sings that. It's also saying to not plan out your relationships.. like say "oh we're going ot live in texas.. with a beautiful house and have kids and everything!" b/c.. idk kinda like a jinx.. and they obviously didn't get that far at all...

it's still a really great song. cuz i'm like a vacuum bag.. still have all the old dirt from all my past relationships..

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"Don't like planning stuff out It never happens that way"

Yeah.. I say that all too much, and everyone seems to think I don't give a shit about anything now.

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