Freedom is the lie we live
We will wait for tragedy
And scatter helpless to the fire
Sorry for ourselves
Sorry for the things we've seen
No one cries for help
Waiting for the fire
When all our toys are burning
All these empty urges must be satisfied
Acted outside
Precious strength to turn the game to history
Giving up, I'm blown away
He said all I had to say
The final days have come and gone
Safe inside; there’s nothing wrong
Nothing in these words
Sorry force of habit
Could it be way over my head?
Helpless to describe it
Could it be way over my head?
Helpless to describe it
Could it be way over my head?
Helpless to describe it
Dumb & cruel
Cut before it's grown
Lies so forced in bored control
It learned all that it cares to know

Yeah, it's perfect for Kids. But, I listened to Sebadoh III about 1,852 times before I ever even saw the trailer for Kids, so I'll always think of this song in a different context. It just really conjures up memories of being a teenager and not knowing what the fuck you are doing with your life. Great, great song.

this song is played during the credits of the film 'kids'. it means so much to me...i could give an interpretation of every line of this song. it just totally sums up youth, apathy, drugs, sex, growing up too soon.
Freedom is the lie we live (you may think you are free, but you are only doing what your friends, the media and popular culture tells you is cool)
All these empty urges must be satisfied (sex, drugs, they're so empty but i still do them)
Could it be way over my head? Helpless to describe it (we are beyond what we can handle, we see so much but are powerless to articulate it)
Cut before it's grown (we do not have a chance to grow up- also refers to the HIV+ status of teenagers in the film 'kids')
Lies so forced in bored control (we say that we like drugs and sex, but its really because we're bored of life- these things control and sedate us)

wow. that's a really great interpretation. by the way, if anyone out there is reading this, might want to pick up III now, because it's out of print and getting kinda expensive.

This song breaks my heart.
R.I.P. Justin Pierce

Love the song. Can't think of a song more perfect for a movie as this and Kids.
anyways, I'm desperately searching for a guitar tab or chord file for the song and am having NO LUCK whatsoever. I'm terrible at learning songs, especially chord-heavy ones by ear. can anyone help me out? if you know of a place with a tab you can just direct me to it from here. or if you just know the song you can talk to me on AIM, my sn is POJOHEAD

Heard this on Kids too. I love this song. I could listen to it all day..

i ♥ this song it just makes you want to cry sometimes. It goes so well with "Kids".

i always thought it was "helpless, still describing" oh, well.

When Justin Pierce stare at us, asking "Jesus Christ, what happened?", eyes get wet, and then you hear this beautiful and sad song about hopeless kids, I cry every time I hear it. If anyone got a guitar pro tab of this song, or know how to make one, please add me on msn :

Im so glad to see that im not the only one that think that this is one of the greatest songs ever written. Kids is for me and a lot of my friends the movie that defined our youth we was not quite as far out the kids in the movie but at lot it they were at lot of paralels, and the song does this rare thing of summing up all the fellings you have as a teenager. I have allso been looking for tabs for this song and i did for some time ago find some tabs but it didt´n sound right but now im looking again.
PS. to bad more havent wacht the movie quz then a lot more will have heard this great song