60 Meanings
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What A Waster Lyrics

What a waster, what a fucking waster
You pissed it all up the wall
Round the corner where they chased her
Theres tears coming out from everywhere
The citys hard the citys fair
Get back inside you've got nothing on
no you mind yer bleedin own you two bob cunt

When she wakes up in the morning
She writes down all her dreams
Reads like the book of revelations
Or the Beano or the unabridged ulysses
Oh i really wanna know
So tell me, where does all the money go where does all the money go
Straight, straight up her nose

And i never really liked it any way
So much preferred it the other way yeah

What a divvy what a fucking div
Talking like a moron, walking like a spiv
I was laying in bed paying my rent
Knocking on the door for something that she lent her brother
Meanwhile from under the covers she says
Save me from tommorow, save me from tommorow
Oh no, Oh no not me

And i never never liked it any way
So much preferred it the other way yeah
Never really liked it any way
So much preferred it the other way yeah

What a waster, what a fucking waster
You pissed it all up the wall
Round the corner where they chased her
Theres tears coming out from everywhere
The citys hard the citys fair
Get back inside you've got nothing on
no you mind yer bleedin own you two bob cunt
60 Meanings
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A two bob cunt means an easy shag, basically. Someone who'll spread their pussy open for anyone.

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As I think everyone probably know this song is about a hooker who once lived with pete. It shows that she went from probably being a normal person who he was friends with, to being a junkie who has to sell her body for a fix....hence "you've pissed it all up the wall".

no you mind yer bleedin own you two bob cunt.......(this is pete saying she should look after herself cos he doesnt want too...two bob cunt means a cheap hooker...same thing as a "dirty skank")

Save me from tommorow, save me from tommorow. Oh no, Oh no not me ....(once againg this is her asking Pete for help and him saying no she should look after herself).

Never really liked it anyway....this is either paying for sex, or its about having her like this, compaired to what she was in the past.

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it's about ashna, clearly.

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Basically...All of your interpretations are wrong. The reason why I know this is because I now know why Pete wrote this song and what it is about. This is from Pete's official blog and he wrote about the things which influenced him to right this- well- controvesial song(?)


It is well worth the read, although he sometimes drifts off into his own world in this forum (!) anyway it explains it. But be warned it is a proper depressing subject. Ha.

Enjoy. Thank me later!

Song Meaning

I cried reading this. Thanks for sharing, it explains a lot about him and his work

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the song is about a prostitute. the lines "never really liked it anyway, much prefered it the other way" are about paying for sex. the other way is the way when you can actually get laid without paying for it. crf, what kind of bullshit was your last comment?

Nah... I reckon he's talking about more intimate gestures

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I thought a 'two bob cunt' was just an extra-contemptible cunt, like a prannet. That's certainly how I've been using the term since 'earing the song. E.g 'he'd sell his gran out for her last teabag, the two-bob cunt'.

And a 'spiv' isn't a cripple, it's a dodgy, flash-looking bloke, usually known to the OB.

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I totallylove this song...I havent stopped listening to it since the 1st time I heard it! :)

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ok so what exactly does this song mean? and what's a "two bob cunt"...heh, whatever it is, it sounds awesome...I love British talk

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It's about a girl whose life has gone to shit because of drugs...Pretty ironic considering what's going on with Pete right now.

He's talking about himself being the waster more likely...

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two bob cunt isnt £200 its £2 so its basically saying that its about a girl who will shag for next to nothing ie two quid

2 shillings not pounds

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