3 Meanings
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All The Pretty Girls Lyrics

when they were in junior high
never wanted to be with the guys
and now they are going to graduate
won't date anyone under 28

well they talk about their friends
behind their backs
and how so and so's
dress looks like a sack

they claw at each other
day after day
oh i can't think
of one good thing to say

about all the pretty girls
in high school
all the pretty girls
in high school
and all the pretty girls
go yack, yack, yack
and all the pretty girls
drive new cadallics

well they all have
athlete boyfriends
and they all wear
designer jeans

always putting on
too much makeup
and the prom
is their only dream

well they get in corners
and they talk about her
they vote each other
for beauty queen

always seem to have
extra lunch money
and oh i can't think
of one good thing to say about

all the pretty girls
in high school
all the pretty girls
in high school
all the pretty girls
go yack, yack, yack
and all the pretty girls
drive new cadallics

i say all the pretty girls
in high school
make me sick!
Song Info
Submitted by
freakedupstar On Sep 15, 2002
3 Meanings
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haha no one knows who the judys are . . thats sad.

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i do! they're fantastic. looks like it's just you and me...

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