Puddle Splashers Lyrics

this is the coolest song i've heard. "i remember her saying, "this whole world is a waste of my time." and all i could say is, "i wish i had something to say." i..... i don't know what to say.

just listening to cap'n jazz makes you cooler!

this song is so amazing. i will willingly admit to the fact that the emotion in it is so powerful it can make me cry sometimes. it's beautiful, and the words captivate me. everything about it screams me; sometimes i swear he wrote it for me.

Oh, awkwardness of young love and how unsure the whole world is when you're with someone you want.

busy touching til dizzy stupid? huh?

I've always though the whole segment ending with "I wish I had something to say" would be a great closing line for a movie or a novel. Most likely a movie. I wish someone had this idea too.

++|[ dear sweet cap'n jazz. ]|-- anytime you're with anyone looking at the sky, it's necessary to quote this. because I said so, and it'll make you a cool kid.

Cap'n jazz would have to be my favorite band. Tsucol said it best, that one line gets to me every time.

easily my favourite cap'n jazz song.

these lyrics kick awesome, the only thing i want to add is there is a Braid song called Capricorn that ends the same way, with "can't look at the sky, with out looking right through it." i know braid and cap'n jazz were somehow "connected" to eachother, but I think Bob Nanna of Braid took that line and even how its sung and put it in it Capricorn. Am i right?