17 Meanings
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Little League Lyrics

Hey coffee eyes.
You got me coughin' up my cookie heart.
Makin' promises to myself.
Promises like seeds of everything I could be.

Hey Ringwald haze.
We're using bruises too loosely in a haste to lose me.
And I've given all I could give.
We live in quick flips, slips, tips, and taps to snap us outta these statue traps.

And I've taken all I could take.
Hey ring walled haze.
We're using judo like Bruce Lee in a haste to bruise me.
And I've given all I could give..
I've taken all I could take.
I've pushed all that I could push.
I've pulled all that I could pull.

Kitty kitty cat, kitty kitty cat.
Thin kids get a skinny neck hex.
Heads hang heavy.
i'm feelin' heavy.

Museum mouth, museum mouth, my how you've misused me.
17 Meanings
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I love how it just fades in as if its some sort of neverending song.

Fucking amazing.

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the first 4 lines get me everytime. tim kinsella in cap'n jazz is a nostalgic casting wizard for every teenage boy like me, looking back and glorifying his childhood

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Cap'n Jazz is so good they make me want to cry. The first four lines are incredible.

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Cap n Jazz was great, i just hate all the "Rules" with underground bands. If the guys never really had a falling out then they should do a huge reunion show, it should be directed by Tim Kinsella, and he should get the members from all his projects to come out and do like a 3 day show. Cap n Jazz, Joan of Arc, Owls, Aloha, sky corvair..etc. Sam Zurick and Tim Kinsella, were in like all of these, im pretty sure, and nate kinsella was a drummer, they could do it, but they dont, and you know what, it would be HUGE!!!! if you promoted it right! kids would be flying out to chicago immediately!!!!

I just think it couuld be really great, Im a musician, and i know how it can get frustrating being in a band, but when your not in a band, you can really miss it. and these guys should do this. if they have already , wonderful, if not, get on it! i know i would loooovve to see OWLS, MAKE BELIEVE, GHOSTS AND VODKA. it would be awesome i know i can write about another 1000 words on the subject, but you get my point, TIM KINSELLA can really make it great, he knows what he has to do, but thats when i come back to the rules, and how people cant do certain things, cuz its too mainstream, or money is involved...its so dumb. give me some insight people, what do you think?

i think u need a tall glass of shut the F up.

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cap'n jazz is one of my favorite bands. this is just a fun song backed with pure emotion. can't get much better than cap'n jazz.

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this is probably my favorite cap'n jazz song. all i can think of when listening to it, is driving in the summer with the windows down and this blaring.

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their best song

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Ass kicker

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Yeah, this was the first cap'n jazz song I ever heard, or first Kinsella song for that matter. Lovely.

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