Sermon Lyrics
Where was God when I came to an end
Where was God when I lost my mind
Where was God when I couldn't find
Don't want to be up or down
Where was love when I felt like hate
Where was hate when I felt like love
Where were you when you said you'd be there
Where was the fear when I said I was scared
Tell me what you believe
I'll tell you what you should see
'Cause I don't know who to trust
My heart is filled with disgust
I can't take this
Ladies and Gentlemen
May I have your attention
Are you ready for the joke
Are you ready for the great deception
Wow...nobody's commented this in a long time. It's an amazing song. It's kind of...nostalgic...only in a bad way, to read the comments from right after Dave died. I remember hearing different rumours and not knowing if it was true... what is now going on five years ago. Drowning Pool SUCKS and is NOTHING without him. R.I.P.
This is the best song on the album
It's saying, "If 'God' is so real, why isn't he there when people need a friend or a way to find happiness?" which that would mean that God is fake.
He is questioning religion, as many people are. He offers to help people to see the other side of religion. "Are you ready for the joke/great deception?" Shows that he thinks religion is a big joke... a farce... a great deception. He offers a very good point.
This is my favorite song of theirs.
For those of you who are yet to be informed, Drowning Pools' vocalist Dave Williams passed away 8.14.02. It's a tradgedy, and I, along with so many others are saddened and shocked by this.
this is a sad day for the Ozzfest and Drowning Pool fans worldwide
he is dead
yeah, he is dead
this is a great song and at the very end of the song there is something in reverse if you play it backwards it says "ladies and gentlemen tell me what you believe" and dave's death is truly a tragedy
I agree with every bit of what UrSoFnSpecial said.