The Way I Feel Lyrics
Apologies too like when you're up against the wall
Compassion heals while duplicity kills
Yhe only thing different is the way I feel about you
We mived methodically and calmly
When you got to the top you see enemies
The only thing different is the way I feel about you
I'd sit back and I'd watch you squirm
Cause you say I'm different, I'm different
The only thing different is the way I feel about you

This one is for my ex-boyfriend Antone. "Pick me back up just to throw me back down". That is what you always did to me. But this time I am not gonna go back. I don't love you! "The only thing different is the way I feel about you". I hope that other girl makes you happy, but I know she won't.

wow. you told him. putting it on a message board. very impressive. sarcasm intended

haha .. this song is wayy cool......good lyrics..just next time u want to say something to it to their face to get the point across not on a message board.Lol

I think it says "too late" not "too like"...It makes more sense anyway.

This song is about a bad relationship breakup and is a response to a "You've changed... you're different... you never used to be like this, etc" comment. It's not that I've changed, it's that I no longer feel the same way about you so I'm obviously going to act differently towards you.

I always thought of it as being more about a friendship that went bad than about a girlfriend, but I guess it could be either.

I was under the impression that this song was about Green Day...or bands that were in a similar situation. Think about it.

bluesquirrelsRscary thanks for the story . not