When Your Heroes Hate You Lyrics

What hurts your feelings? I can't tell anymore. Have I not held you tight enough or is it that there's no such thing, there's no such thing as us anymore? I bought you this animal, he can stay on your red couch. I leave my love with him, so when he holds you, I hold you too. Brown paper bag on my doorstep tells me everything has changed now.
Song Info
Submitted by
planes On Nov 25, 2001
7 Meanings
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Sad but beautyful! I just wonder what kind of animal he bought her...

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I'm thinking either an electric eel or a Lemur. Quite possible a badger, but that would just be weird...

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i love this song title

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gosh i love this song..its sad..and i love the lines "What hurts your feelings? I can't tell anymore. Have I not held you tight enough or is it that there's no such thing, there's no such thing as us anymore"..so real...so sad..

Do you know where I can find this song? If it is on an ep or something...I just found out today I don't have it...

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does he mean like when kids put dog shit in a paper bag and light it on fire on your doorstep?

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I always thought the brown bag contained some of his stuff that was returned, only she couldn't face him, so she just left it for him. I don't know though.

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She's ready to move on, and he's still in love with her, and knows the reality of it is there's nothing he can do anymore. This is her decision and although he knows the inevitable, he still does small gestures not really as a plea for her to stay but more as a symbol for her to have of him. That's all he has a teddy bear he hopes she holds and thinks of him and knows how much he loves her. The paper bag on his doorstep is like homerfaccee said, his stuff returned, a symbol of the end.

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