I Know You Heard Me The First Time Lyrics

I don't need it at the foot of my bed anymore, and invitations of "friends" like howling wolves at the door. We're bent backs at the bar, we see them slide in from afar, what are we in public for? So we take the bar home, cuz we can't stand the smell anymore. So I light up in a field a gasoline scarecrow. Although I frighten no foes. The only bones rattling were my own. It was a good life. Most time wasted. At least you had fun. You don't need it, so you live alone and that's OK, but you're pulling more plugs and it's harder to talk to you now a days. Have you taken your pills today? Have we taken our pills today, is your head OK? Playing dead in the shower for more than an hour, it's gonna be awhile. So I light up in a field your gasoline scarecrow. Although I frighten no foes. The only bones rattling were my own. It is behind me. It is unreal. It is behind me. Become unreal. A new beginning, a new beginning. I want youth in my life forever and ever again.
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Cover art for I Know You Heard Me The First Time lyrics by Kind of Like Spitting

i love this song..it sounds so much like Owen..i think it is about the end of a relationship..with two depressed two people...or maybe about the end of a relationship with a girl who had a lot of problems of her own and he is looking at it like..endoing it would be better for her "a new beginning"

It was a good life. Most time wasted. At least you had fun You don't need it, so you live alone and that's OK, but you're pulling more plugs and it's harder to talk to you now a days. Have you taken your pills today? Have we taken our pills today, is your head OK

Cover art for I Know You Heard Me The First Time lyrics by Kind of Like Spitting

yes this song is so good. one of my favorites

Cover art for I Know You Heard Me The First Time lyrics by Kind of Like Spitting

"It was a good life. Most time wasted. At least you had fun. You don't need it, so you live alone and that's OK, but you're pulling more plugs and it's harder to talk to you now a days. Have you taken your pills today? Have we taken our pills today, is your head OK? Playing dead in the shower for more than an hour, it's gonna be awhile."

I'm pretty sure that's from a Bukowski poem although I can't think of which one. I'm also pretty sure that's what he did because he took a segment from Alone With Everybody by Bukowski and used it in the song Mine