Dostoyevsky Gets Mugged Outside A Donut Shop In Jersey Lyrics

Our savior's fallen ill, and he won't get up. We've cast away our stones. Why won't he get up? So unawake with you, you let me drive your car. You let me break your heart and still not want to give up. So now the only time I get to see you smile is in the darkest rooms with the brownest tiles. And to hear you laugh is a sweet refrain. So sick with joy, I'm the perfect boy. Our savior's fallen ill, but here's a souvenir, another saint to pierce against your bedroom wall. It says you can't give up and that you won't wake up, until you close your eyes and lay down.
2 Meanings
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"I was in New Brunswick at a donut shop reading The Brothers Kay. I had just read the part where the atheist brother is talking to the other brother about what would happen if Jesus actually did come back. It was really fucking with me as I sat there eating donuts. God, I love donuts. Anyway, I wrote it on a scrap piece of paper and brought it back to Portland where Rob Jones recorded the whole thing onto an 8-track with an SM57. It came together very quickly."

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i saw this live at one of their last shows and it was friggin great. big time chills.

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