Old Moon Meet New Lyrics

I pulled in to a new driveway last night and I think that I could get used to it.You fool, square tool, think of where you been, all the #### you did, and how you never really got used to it. It only takes you but a little while. A strange attraction to a smile. Until old exploits are explored and it starts to feel like work.
man thoset line is crazy, it prolly means that something sorta unexpected happened then he's trying to convince himself that he can handle i, but he cant

I think this song is about how Ben is trying to have new relationships after a major one ended. He's scared to get involved again, but he doesn't make it sound like cliche teenage bullshit. That's what I love about Ben's writing. When he says "new additions" I think he means new people he's introduced into his life. And when he thinks he can "pull into a new driveway," or start a relationship with someone new, he can't help but think of his past lover, and all the mistakes he made.
I think the bridge of the song is when he reflects on how easily he can be suckered into shortlived and possibly shallow relationships. And how they tend to go sour quickly, or they "start to feel like work." He then say's he "can't let go" which seems pretty self explanatory, then says "I get in, I get out, it's not right and you shouldn't have to get used to it" almost like a warning for future significant others.
Ben writes songs like I breath air. He is amazing.