16 Meanings
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Blue Period Lyrics

Overly enthused, easily confused.
Do you really even have to ask,
Why you feel so, why you feel so used?
Common obligations, common complications.
She said to me in the dark,
That it was just like suicide
And that you really don't want to die
But you've said it so many times.
Like a musical trend, you see it as a phase.
Predictable film with a forgettable end.

Why does boy meet girl leave me feeling ripped off?
The love police have been tipped off.
Following a trail of denial they've all got my file,
Saying worrying for the knockoff, guilt for the clean up
You say keep your chin up.

Here we are in the open air.
The glow of our godless season,
we're fighting for no reason, we both want the same things.
And it's just like suicide,
I really don't want to die,
But we've been through this so many times.
It's just like suicide,
I really don't want to die,
But the choice ain't mine.
16 Meanings
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Such a good song

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Ben is amazing... "Why does boy meet girl leave me feeling ripped off? " ....story of my life.

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Thisi a great song... It was recommendedby a friend when Iwas feeling depressed... Its such a rea song, it relates to everyting I feel. "You say kee your chin up"... why does everyone bother saying the same thing?.. I've heardit so many times tat words other people say have no more meanings to them... Think About It

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<i> And its just like suicide, I really don't want to die, but we've been through this so many times. Its just like suicide, I really don't want to die, but the choice ain't mine.</i> definitely one of my favorite lines in any kols song

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Everybody thinks about suicide. I don't know how many times i've thought about it, but i realize I really don't wanna die. But the choice is mine. Think i'll see if tomorrow is any better.

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I don't think about committing suicide ever.. so quite obviously not everyone does. I also believe suicide in this song is not literal "it's just LIKE suicide" .. the end of the relationship.. "the choice ain't mine".. he's talking all about endings and suicide is one of them..

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this is such a great song. The first time I heard it, I just fell in love with it. I highly recommend it. And the guitar...woah, awesomeness

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suicide is bad

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This song was actually a cover done of a Cheap Trick B-side originally called Love Police, although the song was never popular considering Cheap trick set it to the same tune of their hit Dream Police

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"Predictable film with a forgettable end" - this is in reference to any and all Ben Afleck Films. KOLS went to school with been in the mid 80's but kinda lost touch. This one liner is just one more slam below the belt. "Why does boy meet girl leave me feeling ripped off?" - this is a reference to Ben Afleck leaving KOLS without a real goodbye. He was originally writing with about Ben but changed it to "girl" to make it sound less of a homosexual sorta song. Which brings up another point. KOLS's homophobia. This homophobia is obviously referred to in the line: "You say keep your chin up" which was a line in the sexually charged 60's movie The Trip.

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