The Short Story Long Lyrics

You ask me who I've been with, and do I know all their last names? And I cant answer honestly which leaves me open and ashamed. I beg you for forgiveness, you say there's no need to explain. But now I feel uncomfortable. We're distrustful still the same. You've finally seen your end light tunnel, upwards with a jar. So cute you give me a headache, a black hole stole your heart. So fast you became important to me so fast now you are not. Fondle Fuck and Forgive eventually, this is how we taint our hearts. It was a twenty six night stand, embarrassed but I understand. A condition of loneliness feels so second hand. The idea of getting rid of what you've got, does the prospect make you hot? You're realizing on your projection, I'm forgetting I am not.
Song Info
Submitted by
planes On Nov 25, 2001
9 Meanings
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what a great song. seems to be about cheating and getting caught. and it seems like the guy didnt want to hurt the girl but couldnt help it and now is alone again

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i totally agree wih rbfboy212! rock on!

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this song is called The Short Story Long. not The Short Story Song

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I feel like he is cheating on a girl who is with another guy. Thus her telling him there is not need to explain. It still hurts to cheat on a cheater, shes staying with her boyfriend.

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for the longest time i thought "you ask me who i've been with" meant, he just got in from hanging out with some kids and his girlfriend, in a motherly way, is like "who have you been hanging out with?"

but it means, she asks him who he's had sex with, wondering if he's been picky enough to at least know every girl (or boy) 's last name, or has he porked people whose full name he doesn't even know? and obviously he has.

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a 26 night stand, embarrassed but i understand, a condition of lonliness feels so second hand...

i feel this line, after being broken up with from a 1 mo. relationship for his ex. it feels like all that time meant nothing, but if they have something strong, all you can do is try to understand... but it still sucks.

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amazing. and i agree with the above opinions about the meaning.

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"This was written right after Amy Annelle dumped me for Pete Krebs. It was the last song written for Nothing Makes Sense Without It. At that time I had a big Geoff Farina fetish. That’s why the guitars are all whammy-barred and sleepy. My dad has been married five times and my mom has been married six times. My mom is married to someone that she openly admits she doesn’t love and my dad is a fucking bastard. So, I wasn’t exactly raised in a house of love and commitment; I was raised in a house of abuse and let-downs. All I knew was that, if I fucked up, I would get the shit kicked out of me. And in terms of longevity, one of the first things I remember was my parents sitting me on a porch when I was four and explaining to me why they got divorced. At one point my dad said something like, “Your mother and I can’t even decide on the same price of gas.” And so, being really young and only having the cognitive processes to take in so much of what I was hearing, that was what stuck with me as the reason why they were getting divorced... because they couldn’t agree on the price of gas. I believed that until I was nine-years-old. Since I’ve been living, touring, and doing it, I’ve met some people who I’ve had really short relationships with because sometimes it’s just so bad. Right out the gate. But at the same time, I go into every relationship that I have really wanting something to be special. And I can’t get into a relationship with someone if I don’t feel something for them. I don’t get into relationships just to fuck; I’d rather just fuck, you know? As far as being, like, “You’re my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend” or any of those labels… the minute that starts getting thrown around, my heart gets into it, it becomes heavier, and the stakes get higher for me. Now that I think about it, maybe that’s a big part of my shortcomings. With Amy, I bought it, but in the end I realized I would never be good enough for her. But I don’t know if anyone will ever be good enough for her. Amy is amazing. I love her to death and we’re still really good friends."

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i always think of this song as when you are talking to your new girlfriend about your past and you have that guilt for things, even though you didn't even know your present girlfriend at the time. just how i hear it.

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