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The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny Lyrics

Jimmy and Johnny two friends of mine skinhead what they clam
Outside similarities but no they don't feel the same
See Johnny thinks Jimmy's a mod and Jimmy thinks Johnny's a punk
Jimmy listens to ska and Johnny likes last resort
Jimmy and Johnny in the trenches were down tonight
Drinking guiness smokin' 555´s
Once you're in the middle you feel alright
Skinheads tats and a fred perry
There's a war in the cemetery
Start to fight stop drinking
What the fuck were they thinking

Jimmy and Johnny tell me what you're seein'
Jimmy and Johnny tell me what you're seein'
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Jimmy had his two tone girl back of his scooter that night
Johnny had a jacked up chevy that could blow you right off the line
Skinheads tats and a fred perry
There's a war in the cemetery
Start to fight stop the drinking
What the fuck were they thinking

Jimmy and Johnny tell me what you're seeing
Jimmy and Johnny tell me what you're seeing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Jimmy and Johnny tell me what you're seeing
Jimmy and Johnny tell me what you're seeing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
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Submitted by
kpizzle On Nov 25, 2001
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16 Meanings

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Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

This song is awesome.

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

Best rancid album! My interpretation to this song: two skinhead friends that stop having fun and start having trouble .Maybe two Tim friends,dont know Any help?

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

i cant really help but it seems that they both are skins. but jimmys more of a trad skin and johnnys a boot boy. difference is boot boys listen to more oi (last resort, opressed ect) and trads listen to oi but will also listen to alot of ska and reggea

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

i think the point of this song, j0k3r 31, is that stupid labels like "boot boys" and "trad skins" only split people apart and while it might be fun to create an identity for yourself like that it shouldnt get in the way of a friendship, fuck i've never heard of either of those things. They "think" the other is a mod or a punk. when he says "tell me what your seein'" its because they are seeing each other differently to the way he is, and he doesnt like the way its going "what the uck were they thinking". still i dont get why he says "Outside similarities but no they don't feel the same" because that suggests that they look the same but are different inside, which seems like the opposite of the rest of the song.

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

im thinkin maybe Jimmy is the famous St. Jimmy from the Green Day, American Idiot album. . . think about, there is already a link between the two bands. . . that link bein that BillieJoe Armstrong, the lead singer for Green Day, composed the song "Radio" for Rancid. . . maybe that isnt the only link between the 2 bands. . . i also think that when he says, "Jimmy and Johnny, tell me what your seein" he is implying that Jimmy and Johnny r the same person, seeing the same thing, just through different viewpoints because they r separate personalities of the same person, and they r fighting for full control over the mind of a confused skinhead. . . if i'm way off, please let me know, but i think i present a good arguement.

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

honestly, skataboi, i think the whole jimmy thing is a coincidence. I mean there are tons of jimmys in the world, but w/e. this song reminds me of myself and my friend steve. I would definatley be jimmy, cuz ska rules!

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

This song could be about the internal strife in the skinhead world. There are racist skins and there are skins who are against racism and whose members include all races. (like SHARP Skin Heads against racial prejudice)

The Green Day connection is a STRETCH , but NOFX came out with a song afterwards that is a story about a guy named Johnny that has the lyrics:

He's a teenage vegetable This is the LAST RESORT He's got PCP in his veins He lives inside a quart Johnny was a good man Till the day that he got shot He had a jacked up chevy That could blow you off the spot

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

The song above i mentioned by NOFX is called Knee Jaw Music

Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

and the lyrics of the NOFX song go:

He's a teenage vegetable He listens to LAST RESORT

(on-line lyrics sites got it wrong)

The lyrics to Jaw Knee Music is literally just a reference to the fact that there are so many songs about someone named Johnny. The "teenage vegetable" line is from Reagan Youth's "Degenerated."

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Cover art for The Ballad Of Jimmy And Johnny lyrics by Rancid

Skataboi, you're a moron, this song came out like 10 years before St. Jimmy came out.