Your Favorite Actor Lyrics

I am a star. Hal Hartley movie. I read my lines, straight faced in the mirror. You are my camera. Slouched over coffee, I'm faking artsy. We're playing dress up now. And the rain is washing out the snow. We play the card games that we know. I'll lay you down here, your body a smokestack. My fellow acrobat. You're a coal miners song tonight.
4 Meanings
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i heart this song.

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i love this song also. its beautiful, poetic, symbolic, aahhh yum

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i love this song but when i hear it i just don't know what to think it just kinda makes me want to cry

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The begining of the song seems to be Ben pretending to put off an image of himself for a girl, but then last part of the song, I don't know where he goes with it. Still, a great song.

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