The Thing About Distance Lyrics

Holding love letters and carefully placing them in a box underneath my bed. When I drink I read over them. I'm much stronger than I was when I knew her, see here, see here, doesn't mean we should have never met, doesn't mean we should have never met. We had a lot of awful shit go down, never love again you swore. I said things ill probably go to hell for. We both felt really young. But anyway that was a long time ago, so see here, see here, doesn't mean I can't wish her the best, I hope she gets that job in Ireland.
4 Meanings
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aww, I haven't heard this song but I came across the lyrics just now. how nice...

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aww, I haven't heard this song but I came across the lyrics just now. how nice...

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its folding not holding...who ever posted these lyrics must think F's and H's sound a like...

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Self-explanitory. Love. Lost. Wishing one well even if it hurt before.

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