16 Meanings
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Sidekick Lyrics

I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick
My name is Tim I'm a lesser known character
I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick
Fighting crime in the streets together

Down in Oakland off of West Grand,
St Joseph relief poor program
A good place were good people get food yeah
Help your fellow man is a good thing to do yeah
Government agency said be afraid of me
I'll shut your doors down it wont phase me
Wolverine came through left the agent for dead
Opened up the doors back up everyone was fed

I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick
My name is Tim I'm a lesser known character
I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick
Fighting crime in the streets together

Do not bill them abandoned buildings
It's nice to sleep when you got a ceiling
Neighbourhood watch said we gotta put a stop yea
Can't have people livin' for free call the cops yea
Here comes the SWAT team, and the M-16,
They'll shoot the walls in, destroy the building.
Wolverine was sad and it made him mad
Every single cop got a bullet in the head

I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick
My name is Tim I'm a lesser known character
I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick
Fighting crime in the streets together
Song Info
Submitted by
kpizzle On Nov 25, 2001
16 Meanings
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Tim Armstrong's fantasy he used to have about he and the X-Men uniting together to get their revenge on Neighbourhood Watch and cops who shut down homeless shelters. Lol. Only Rancid could pull that off.

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This is such a sad song.......it realy says alot about people

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i love this song- .+RANCID IS EXCELLENT+.

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The song isnt that sad....but I thinkTim is singing that he had..had a dream that he was helping save the people from the streets and stoping crime......and then trying to do it....

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Is the singer's name Tim?

@Jebus Tim Armstrong is the founder, singer and guitarist for the band

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I'll leave that one alone...

Anyway yeah this song is sweet...

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i like this song to my friends made a song with this beat and it came out all weird but it was funny i dunno went something like i had a dream that savanah had a really small dick shit like that it was funny though well i didnt really see the sadness in this song i really like it though good song

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when tim was younger he read a lot of commick books and his favourite character was wolverine from the x-men. he did actually have a dream that he was with wolverine (i mean if you think about it a superhero is a vigilante) he mixes it with his political views that he likes to everyone to hear (dont get me wrong i love his political songs)

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the lesser known charecter the one no one notices...maybe he felt like his views weren't being heard...

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there is a conflict within every human heart; between the rational, the irrational...between good and evil. and sometimes good does not always triumph. sometimes the dark side overcomes what lincoln calls 'the better angels of our nature'. a social commentary about the benefactors who would righteously provide solace for the needy, even when it means that the just contravene social law. "Every single cop got a bullet in the head "

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