11 Meanings
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Kids of the K-Hole Lyrics

Everybody needs some time away
Just stuck in the k-hole again
An 18 hour holiday
Just stuck in the k-hole again, just once again

Mrs. Kitty Ketamine your perseverance may
Outlast my ambition to go home
Infatuation with your dark side I obey
Forbidden pleasures, I have grown to loathe/love

Somewhere between the eden and north utopia
Somewhere beneath the astral plain
I've taken residence on sybaritic soil
You won't be seeing me again
You won't be seeing me again

Dropping crumbs and flying thumbs
Won't help me get back home
The home is where the heart is, I've been told
Cause I promised my heart to her
She cooked it medium well
Then proceeded to swallow it whole

It may sound good to you
It may sound oh so wrong
*So fucking wrong*
Just stuck in the k-hole again
Winter's broken, summer's gone
Just stuck in the k-hole again
Just once again
11 Meanings
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the 18 hour holiday part and the part about utopia is a reference to brave new world. In the book, one of the characters takes a drug called soma that takes her on an 18 hour "holiday". The setting of the book is in a so called "utopia".

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I have to disagree with 'Serotrance' on this one; at least on the part about it being an "emo" song. NOFX is a punk band. While the line between punk and emo may be somewhat obscured, the defining line I've found is that an 'emo' song would talk of wanting to die, or such a topic would at least be mentioned in one song on an album that could be defined as 'emo'. Regardless, here's what I assumed was the meaning:

The song is about Ketamine, as a few people have essentially confirmed, and addiction to ketamine, so much so that the singer, or at least the person the song is supposed to be from the perspective of, doesn't want to be outside of the "K-Hole," or, the hallucinated reality seen whilst the singer or person the song is from the perspective of is on Ketamine. The fourth paragraph in the typed lyrics appears to be expressing some regret for being addicted, but also an inability to quit, because of Ketamine's addictive qualities. Finally, the last [typed] paragraph expresses a very punk-ish disregard for what anyone's opinion is about the addiction, and that the addiction continues through a long period of time.

I don't think it's about addiction - just the helplessness of being on such a long and intense trip. It's a trippy song about being fucked up.

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This song rules! It was the first nofx song I hever heard and it still rules!

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Think so? I always wondered what the hell that k-hole was...

@younganddumb At some point you lose notion of time, space, have flashbacks into the instant before and hardly remember who you were five minutes ago... It can be really frightening. You lose it completely while remaining very conscious.

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This song is just bizarre. Ketamine is an incredibly powerful hallucinogen, and the k-hole is the experience of going through a "hole" into another reality while on ketamine. It's not really something you'd expect to find an emo song about.

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Drugs suck - This song rules - Go figure - Going now - I suck...

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This is a song about being addicted to ketamine. If you ever take dissociatives, this song will make far more sense to you.

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in the k-hole is the term given to being on a ketamine high. this song is one big drug refference. yay.

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Mrs. Kitty Ketamine your perseverance may Outlast my ambition to go home Infatuation with your dark side I obey Forbidden pleasures, I have grown to loathe/love

yes it is about ketamine, a drug thay give to knock out horses! it's takes you to a new world of utopia that feels as real as the real world but everything is amazing! like a wet dream!

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acutly its used to knock out cats "Mrs "KITTY" ketamine"

Actually.... its fkn horse tranquilizer... who cares!

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