Is It A Crime Lyrics
but I miss you
I could see through all of your lies
but still I miss you
he takes her love, but it doesn't feel like mine
he tastes her kiss, her kisses are not wine, they're not mine
she takes, but surely she doesn't know how
Is it a crime
that I still want you
and I want you to want me too
My love is taller, taller than the empire state
I can't give you more than that, surely you want me back
Is it a crime
that I still want you
and I want you to want me too
taller than the empire state
I can't give you more than that, surely you want me back
Is it a crime
that I still want you
and I want you to want me too

This song is so heartfelt! How she sings that last "is it a crime" with so much emotion just breaks me down everytime. Alfred I need you still, and "surely you want me back"!!!

i love when this song gets louder. wow , what a deep song.

ive felt this way so many times...this song is truly about wantign someone not good for you.

WOW!!! What a voice and what a song. i love that old jazz club feel in a song and this song captures it unfalteringly.

totally agree with preshpearl on this one. i remember when i first heard this song, it was being used by canadian pairs figure skaters and i just thought "wow" ... sade is awesome, this song is amazing, love it! knowing someone is wrong for you, yet still they have that hold over you... great stuff really, at least for song material ;)

Incredible voice. Beautiful song. The jazzy nightclub vibe this song gives off is perfect.
But the song is easily about a woman wanting back her ex-lover despite his infidelity.

I definitly love this song... I have felt the same exact way before about an ex. She seems to capture emotions that are soooo REAL and so easy to relate to. LOVE IT, LOVE HER!

i get goosebumps hearing this songs.. i always ask my lover "how much do you love me" and he will answer "wider than victoria lake.. taller than the empire state".. so this song is like the soundtrack of my life =) question: should it be victoria lane or victoria lake? victoria lane is a very wide lane in london.. also makes sense right? i always fight with him because he says it's lane and i say it*s lake.. try to listen to the song, i start to think she sings "lane"

one of her greatest masterpieces. She's so smooth and soulful. I'm not at all a fan of jazz, but her music is so captivating, It's hard not to enjoy her silky voice. I LOVE YOU SADE! I love the lyrics. She knows it's wrong to love him because he's with another woman. But she knows that no other woman can love him like her. Fantastic words

it is Victoria lane, check out the youtube video at around 4:42 she says it.