Remedios The Beautiful Lyrics
One of the greatest pieces of music I've heard in my life. This song is like a dream.. I'm not sure of what relevance the title has to the song, but the lyrics and music just make me so amazed in the beauty of it all.
I had recently gotten a new computer, and downloaded a random bunch of music from friends. After putting all the music on my playlist, ill play it on random, and this song came on. I had never heard it before, but as soon as i listened to it, i stopped what i was doing, because i think this song is one of the most amazing and beautiful songs i have ever heard in my entire life. more people should listen to it, and more people should definitely comment on it. sigh.
I haven't actually heard this particular AC song, but I just noticed that the title (I think) is from a book called One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. There's a character in it named Remedios the Beauty.
I'm not sure how the lyrics connect to the title/character though, if at all. But I'm even more impressed that the singer reads good books in addition to rocking in general.
this is an awesome song... the new record peregrine is great also!
I think in this song is about falling in love with a crack addict... i dunno... it just paints apicture where everything otside its beautiful, and she cant see it....shes in hell...."i want to help you. but i don't know how "....
totally a crack addict...