2 Meanings
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Kingdom of Come Lyrics

So you think I got something on you?
I bet I know what you're gonna do
I'm asking me and talking blue
Fill your head
With crazy sounds
It ain't as pretty coming out
So glad to see you're at it again
So glad I ain't your only friend
When are you going to understand
That it's okay
Maybe now
It ain't as pretty coming out
Fill your head
With crazy sounds
It ain't as pretty coming out
2 Meanings
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WTF is wrong with you people, only one person has commented on this song???? Fuck man this song rocks hard. Not too sure about the meanings, I guess to me it means how sometimes your head gets filled with unnecessary shit and you just talk about this nonsense which when seen from the outside is total crap. Like paranoia when you watch the news and freak out about some bullshit or whatever.

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I think it's about paranoia, or maybe assumptions of infidelity. My interpretation is this: Chris Cornell's girlfriend is being told by someone else that Chris might be cheating on her, and she confronts him.

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