16 Meanings
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Into The Coven Lyrics

Howl like a wolf
And a witch will open the door
Follow me and meet our high priestess

Come, come into my coven
And become Lucifer's child

Undress until you're naked
And put on this white coat
Take this white cross and go to the middle of the ring

Come, come into my coven
And become Lucifer's child

Now crush it, crush the cross

Suck the blood from this unholy knife
Say after me: My soul belongs to Satan

Now, now you're into my coven
You are Lucifer's child
Into the coven
Lucifer's child
16 Meanings
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Mercyful Fate and Metallica are both excellent. Metallica recognizes how great King Diamond is.

If you don't respect either of them, then you can keep that to yourself, or continue to hold yourself up to further ridicule.

Metallica and Mercyful Fate both were struggling together to gain commercial success while neither would compromise artistic vision.

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"omg, hermanator... if you don't equate success wit hpopularity, what do you equate it with?"

haha, thanks for proving you're a gigantic douche. maybe you just think of success as being rich and all that shit, but when you're creating music, i'd like to think that the art ranks above album sales, but unfortunately, it's not like that so much.

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What's with people's obsession with satan?

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with with people's obsession to speak of what they dont understand with dumbass names like eagle too cool.

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To tell you the truth I only got a user name here because I wanted to take the piss out of stupid people. Bob, again, no need to attack someone personally for their opinion. Eagle, again, the lyrics tell a story, enjoy the story. Just because someone is influenced by something you don't like, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the music and the story it tells.

As for this song, as with many other Fate songs, the lyrics themselves are just a story, so to get the ;meaning' of a song, read the lyrics! The little guitar solo at the start of this song is almost funny, but fun to play, and does well to set the atmosphere for the next solo. This is where Metallica's version is better IMO, the sound they get is amazing, and so is James' voice.

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i heard the metallica version. then i realized i was wasting my time. king diamond totally outclasses james in terms of vocal capabilities, originality and just musically.

as for the solo, i really didn't notice any substantial difference. maybe its because kirk is one of the most overrated guitarists in the business? probably. i ultimately deleted the metallica version because it was wasting disc space and i didn't want my friends to find it on my computer and think i'm gay ;)

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King Diamond is so good I guess that's why I recently heard they had to cancel their show here because they only sold 14 tickets. Sounds like brilliance to me.

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i agree with maharishi

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this song, along with mercyful fate's whole first disk, is overrated. Their second disk is much better in my opinion. The lyrics are silly and not very scary when compared with their better songs.

There is something creepy about Metallica..... No matter how distant is a music review, Metallica allways seems to pop up....

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I agree too, hermanator05 is a total dumbass.

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