9 Meanings
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Crown Of Horns Lyrics

Capricornus Rex in tenebris
I long to feel the dark caress
Of your cloven hooves;
I seek the loving warmth of your anus
As I place my worshipful
Lips about your teats.

We hate, and so we gather
By the light of the moon;
The art of veneficium...
This we learned from you...
To make them grieve in their lord,
Their redeemer in flames
Fanned by the scorn of the children
Who now curse his name.

Sire of sin,
You embody me
To you we congregate;
None so vile,
Your magnificent
Crown of horns
Inspires deeds maleficent.

Destroy the parasite [x3],
Destroy Jesus Christ.

They'll crawl in their perdition,
The righteous will be lost
Where gutted angels lie fucked...
Beneath the feunral cross;
We'll dig them a mass grave soon,
And bring to their knees
Those who would have rescinded
The laws of disease.

"The children have turned",
The cherubs wail,
As anticross triumphs
Where the cross has failed.

Hell-spawned majesty, we eagerly
Await the advent of the
Next millennium
When you will return with a swarm from
Beyond to claim your carnal
Lost dominion.
9 Meanings
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I was watching the Excorsist III today and there was a certain part where the devil speaks through damien and i heard something i recognized, It was the part at the begining where you hear a scream and then, a voice says "I do that rather well, don't you think?" So that was from the devil or evil speaking through damien in Excorsist III check it out sick movie. I dont know if it has to do with the song though.

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It should be noted that I have only been a fan of the Lord and his music for the past 2 years or so, and being only 18, am not very well experienced in my literature or music, nor do I have the mindset of Mr. Dan Greening and anything you may see as false, please feel free to correct me:

Capricornus Rex in tenebris

Capricornus is the Zodiac sign of a Sea Goat, said to be the great Greek god Pan who dove into a river to avoid a monster and the lower-half turned into a fish's body. The "Rex" is Latin for king, so this is the Goat King, Satan. Tenebris, as many know, means "shadows" or "darkness".

I long to feel the dark caress Of your cloven hooves; I seek the loving warmth of your anus As I place my worshipful Lips about your teats.

I think those are pretty obvious. Possibly a woman praising Satan and wishing to enact sexual favours with him. Why it is most likely not a man will be explained later

We hate, and so we gather By the light of the moon;

Was often rumoured in the olden days that witches and Satanists would gather under a full moon to conduct their unholy rituals.

The art of veneficium... This we learned from you...

Veneficium was known as the art of poisoning. It was said to be a fascination of women (getting rid of the possible homosexual overtone) and was often used to convict women of crimes they may not have committed, much like witchcraft.

To make them grieve in their lord, Their redeemer in flames.

It is said that Jesus descended to Hell to free the souls of the damned. Maybe they found a way to put him back down there for good. OR maybe it’s just them kicking Jesus’ ass.

Fanned by the scorn of the children Who now curse his name.

Use the wrath and pain of the heretics and blasphemers who once worshipped him to blast Jesus back to Hell.

Sire of sin, You embody me Undivine... To you we congregate; None so vile, Your magnificent Crown of horns Inspires deeds maleficent.

Pretty easy, a coven gathers to receive his undivine inspiration for their next crimes.

Destroy the parasite [x3], Destroy Jesus Christ.

Again, going back to send Jesus packing.

They'll crawl in their perdition, The righteous will be lost

Premonitions of a Judgment Day where Satan wins. They'll creep through their own hell and will lose.

Where gutted angels lie fucked... Beneath the funeral cross; We'll dig them a mass grave soon, And bring to their knees Those who would have rescinded The laws of disease.

They will bury the angels that they killed and will destroy those who tried to revive Christianity.

"The children have turned", The cherubs wail, As anticross triumphs Where the cross has failed.

The first line is often used by Christians to describe many children of God that will turn back to God in their time of need and rob Satan of his army. Here it is used with a deeply ironic twist as the children are turned against God and Satanism succeeds in spreading its faith towards all peoples of earth.

Hell-spawned majesty, we eagerly Await the advent of the Next millennium When you will return with a swarm from Beyond to claim your carnal Lost dominion.

Satan, we wait for you in 2000 for you and your infernal army to return.

Now with that said, it is unbelievable that the Lord could find and put these ideas together. I had Google to aid me and it did greatly. Again, this is all a theory.

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I don't think it is 'unbelievable' for Lord Worm to put all this together. He IS an English teacher. That was what he did after None So Vile. Granted, it was English as a second langauge, but he's supposed to be a really intelligent guy. Look at all of his lyrics, they're very poetic.

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um... every single thing Lord Wyrm sings is unintelligible, and all I really listen to Cryptopsy for is the music. The guy's voice sounds like a monster rawring gutterally. Sad excuse for vocals. There might as well not be any.

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Idiot, death grunts are meant to sound like that, I hate retards.

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seriously I suffer from the same, great music, but I just can't stand lord worm's grunts, this is coming from a death metal fan, so it's not like I don't like grunts

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Wow, I thought this song was just satanic drivel meant to piss off christians, but now I can see it's really just a terrifying horror story like their other songs. I too wish I could understand the lyrics, because it would add depth to listening to the song, but at the same time I actually like the sound of it. I remember listening to Mike DiSalvo live and thinking "This isn't right".

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um... every single thing Lord Wyrm sings is unintelligible, and all I really listen to Cryptopsy for is the music. The guy's voice sounds like a monster rawring gutterally. Sad excuse for vocals. There might as well not be any.

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I always get this band and Psycroptic confused because of their similiar names. The only differences being Psycroptic doesn't suck a dick.

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